501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. The author uses the anecdote about Mozart’s Kingdom of Back to
    a. Mozart’s admiration for the composer Johann Sebastian Bach.
    b.the role imagination plays in musical composition.
    c. that Mozart was mentally unstable.
    d.that Mozart was an imaginative child.
    e.that Mozart’s only friends were imaginary people and family

  2. The author suggests that Mozart’s adult life
    a. was ruined by repeated illness.
    b.was a disappointment after his brilliant childhood.
    c. was nothing but misery.
    d.ended in poverty and anonymity.
    e.followed the pattern of his childhood.

  3. In line 57, the word laudedmost nearly means
    a. derided.
    c. punished.

  4. Each of the following statements about Wolfgang Mozart is
    directly supported by the passage EXCEPT
    a. Mozart’s father, Leopold, was instrumental in shaping his
    b.Wolfgang had a vivid imagination.
    c. Wolfgang’s childhood was devoted to his musical career.
    d.Wolfgang’s illnesses were the result of exhaustion.
    e.Maria Anna was a talented musician in her own right.

  5. Based on information found in the passage, Mozart can best be
    described as
    a. a workaholic.
    b.a child prodigy.
    c. a sickly child.
    d.a victim of his father’s ambition.
    e.the greatest composer of the eighteenth century.

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