- d.Singularmeans of or relating to a single instance, or something
considered by itself. Although strangeand superiorcan be syn-
onyms for singular, the author emphasizes throughout the pas-
sage that the music is unique. Unusualis closest in meaning to
unique. Also, note that in the next sentence the author states
that the baileshad unusualmelodic structures and the players
had uniquemethods of bowing and tuning their instruments. - d.The passage does not explicitly state that European culture was
imposedon native traditions. Rather, it states that the cultures
mixed to give rise to the music. - c.The passage clearly states that both ceremonies used impro-
vised verses. The New Year’s celebration included improvised
couplets, composed on the spot(lines 40–41) and the verses of the song
[of the wedding ceremony], played to a lively waltz, were improvised
(lines 48–49). Each of the other choices is true for one of the
ceremonies but not both. - a. The sentence following the first mention of the ceremony states
its purpose: the community would gather to sanction the new couple
(lines 46–47). It is stated that the guests file past to blessthe cou-
ple (line 42). Choices b,d, and eare all part of the ceremony
but not its main purpose. Choice cis not explicitly supported by
the text. - e.This title indicates that the passage covers both popular and
ceremonial music and introduces the main theme of the pas-
sage: the unique (extraordinary) musical tradition of the Rio
Grand region. The other choices are all too narrow (choice d),
or are totally inappropriate (choice c). - b.The introductory and final paragraphs of the passage reveal the
author’s admiration for the music. In line 8 the author describes
the musical tradition as unique, richand lines 9–10 he or she calls
the ceremonial music some of the most extraordinary... in the His-
panic world.” In line 62, the author describes the inditaas extraordi-
nary. Although he or she describes the tradition in positive terms,
aweoverstates the case. - c. In Passage 1, the author provides a limited chronology of Johnson’s
life (paragraphs 2, 3, and 4) and briefly describes his influence on
blues and rock and roll (paragraphs 1 and 5). - b.In paragraph 3 of Passage 1, the author describes how Johnson was
not very goodat playing the guitar but that he wanted to learnand so
spent his time in blues bars watching the local blues legends(lines 19–20).
That he disappeared for some time and then returned as a first-rate
guitarist(lines 26–27) also suggests Johnson’s determination.
sean pound
(Sean Pound)