501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1
tions in these mapped areas. Sadly, the halt in logging was short lived.
In August and September logging took place in at least six old-growth
forest areas in Northern Finland.
It seems Metsähallitus wants to have its cake and eat it too—friendly
talks with environmental groups at the same time they keep logging
critical habitat. To be blunt, their commitment to the dialog process
has proven untrustworthy. The new logging has been without con-
sensus from the dialog process or proper consultation with the Sami
reindeer herders. Now there’s a risk the logging will expand to include
other old-growth areas.
Greenpeace investigations have revealed a number of companies
buying old-growth timber from Metsähallitus, but the great majority
goes to Finland’s three international paper manufacturers, Stora Enso,
UPM-Kymmene, and M-Real. Greenpeace recommends that com-
panies ask for written guarantees that no material from any of the
recently mapped old-growth areas is entering or will enter their sup-
ply chain, pending the switch to only timber that has been independ-
ently certified to the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council in
order to stop this risk to protected forests.

  1. According to the passage, which is NOT a logging practice
    engaged in by Metsähallitus?
    a. employing the clearcutting method
    b.logging in the habitat of reindeer
    c. logging near scenic Finnish vistas
    d.logging within in the boundaries of the indigenous Sami
    e.logging in traditional Norwegian Fiords

  2. As used in line 15, moratoriummost nearly means
    a. an oral presentation.
    b.a bipartisan meeting.
    c. a cessation or stoppage.
    d.an increase in volume.
    e.an autopsy.

  3. The author’s tone may best be classified as
    a. casual sarcasm.
    b.urgent warning.
    c. furtive anger.
    d.cool indifference.
    e.reckless panic.





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