501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. As used in line 13, what is the best synonym for mastication?
    a. digestion
    c. biting

  2. Which sentence best describes dentinal tubules?
    a. Dentinal tubules are a layer surrounding the dentine of tooth
    and tusk roots.
    b.Dentinal tubules are micro-canals that radiate outward through
    the dentine from the pulp cavity to the exterior cementum border.
    c. Dentinal tubules are responsible for the formation of enamel
    and are lost after the enamel process is complete.
    d.Dentinal tubules cover the surface of the tooth or tusk which
    receives the most wear, such as the tip or crown.
    e.Dentinal tubules are extremely large teeth projecting beyond
    the lips that have evolved from teeth and give certain species an
    evolutionary advantage.

  3. According to the passage, all of the following are organic
    substances EXCEPT
    a. cementum.
    c. dahllite.

  4. According to the passage, how can natural ivory be authenticated?
    a. by ultraviolet light
    b.by gamma rays
    c. by physical observation
    d.by osmosis
    e.by scrimshaw

  5. According to the passage, which statement is NOT true of
    a. It is an organic substance.
    b.It is the hardest of animal tissues.
    c. It should never be exposed to ultraviolet light.
    d.It structure is prismatic.
    e.It is formed with the aid of ameloblasts.

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