501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. According to the passage, which is true of a hypothesis?
    a. It is not a necessary process in the scientific method.
    b.It cannot be discarded by a competing theory.
    c. It is a guess.
    d.It can make a broad and general prediction.
    e.It is always considered auxiliary.

  2. What is the best title for this passage?
    a. The Theory of Relativity
    b.The Scientific Method: A Step-by-Step Process
    c. The Two Stages of Proving Theories
    d.How to Form a Hypotheses
    e.Evaluating Data with the Scientific Method

  3. What is meant by the term operational definitionin line 28
    of the passage?
    a. a scientific law
    b.a theory
    c. a clear definition [of a measurement]
    d.scientific method

  4. What do lines 37–48 of the passage indicate?
    a. The theory of general relativity is a hypothesis.
    b.Karl Popper proved the theory of relativity to be incorrect.
    c. Einstein was the father of the scientific method.
    d.Space and the flow of time theories are still in a state of flux.
    e.Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity disproved Einstein’s theory.

  5. Which is NOT a step used in the process of scientific method?
    a. observation
    c. evaluation

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