- Which of the following best describes the USLTA’s change of heart
regarding Althea’s invitation?
a. buckling under the pressure of public opinion
b.a calculated strike against segregation
c. a sudden recognition of Althea’s abilities
d.a bold marketing strategy
e.a desire to diversify the women’s game - The author uses Althea’s quote about being game enoughin line 80
to illustrate that
a. Althea’s career was plagued with injuries.
b.the sport of tennis is more grueling than people realize.
c. Althea believed the discrimination she faced served only to
make her a stronger competitor.
d.Althea was often fined for yelling at the referee.
e.Althea believed talent was more important than mental
toughness. - Althea’s achievements are best described as
a. remarkable displays of talent and athleticism.
b.groundbreaking triumphs in the face of adversity.
c. important events that led to immediate civil rights reform.
d.one woman’s fight against the world.
e.historically insignificant. - Which statement best summarizes Alice Marble’s quote in
lines 60–64?
a. Baseball, football, and boxing are more entertaining than tennis.
b.Talent should dictate who could be a champion at a USLTA
tournament, not race.
c. There are players in the U.S. Nationals who do not deserve to
be there.
d.The USLTA should do away with invitations and make the
tournament open to anybody.
e.The ATA and USTLA should merge for the benefit of the sport.
sean pound
(Sean Pound)