- How does the objective of The Landlord’s Game differ from that
of Monopoly?
a. In The Landlord’s Game, you can only rent the properties, but
in Monopoly you may buy them.
b.The Landlord’s Game illustrates the inequality of the
landlord/tenant system, while Monopoly encourages players to
become landlords and become wealthy at the expense of others.
c. The Landlord’s Game teaches the problems of capitalism and
Monopoly teaches the value of money.
d.The Landlord’s Game was a way for Quakers to understand the
economic theories of Henry George, and Monopoly explains
the evolutionary theories of Charles Darrow.
e.In The Landlord’s Game, players try to land on as many rail-
roads and utilities as possible, but in Monopoly they try to avoid
them. - In line 38, what does swallowed Darrow’s prevaricationmean?
a. ate his lunch
b.believed his lie
c. understood his problem
d.played by his rules
e.drank his champagne - In line 28, the statement that the rules of The Landlord’s Game
were explained and transmutedrelies on the notion that
a. when people pass along information by word of mouth, it goes
through changes.
b.when people explain things to their friends, they take on a
different appearance.
c. friends rely on one another for vital information.
d.it’s not always easy to play by the rules.
e.word of mouth is the best way to spread information. - In paragraph 4, the author implies that
a. Parker Brothers bought the game from Charles Darrow.
b.it is not difficult to get a patent for an idea you didn’t invent.
c. Monopoly made Parker Brothers and Darrow millions of
d.Lizzie Magie tried to sell her game to George Parker.
e.The Landlord’s Game was popular with Quakers.
sean pound
(Sean Pound)