501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a
    contribution made by Chinese immigrants?
    a. worked land so that it would yield more crops
    b.performed dangerous work with explosives
    c. built roads and bridges
    d.purchased older mining claims and mined them
    e.dug storage areas for California wine

  2. In line 37 reclaimingmost nearly means
    a. redeeming.
    c. objecting.

  3. The last sentence (lines 46–49) in the passage provides
    a. an example supporting the thesis of the passage.
    b.a comparison with other historical viewpoints.
    c. a theory explaining historical events.
    d.a summary of the passage.
    e.an argument refuting the position taken earlier in the passage.

Questions 76–83 are based the following passage.
The following passage describes the advent of American manufacturing,
imported from England in the 1790s. The Arkwright system mentioned in the
passage refers to a water frame, a water-powered spinning machine that was
used to make cloth.
The mounting conflict between the colonies and England in the 1760s
and 1770s reinforced a growing conviction that Americans should be
less dependent on their mother country for manufactures. Spinning
bees and bounties encouraged the manufacture of homespun cloth as
a substitute for English imports. But manufacturing of cloth outside
the household was associated with relief of the poor. In Boston and
Philadelphia, Houses of Industry employed poor families at spinning
for their daily bread.
Such practices made many pre-Revolutionary Americans dubious
about manufacturing. After independence there were a number of
unsuccessful attempts to establish textile factories. Americans needed
access to the British industrial innovations, but England had passed laws
forbidding the export of machinery or the emigration of those who




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