501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. According to the passage, the United States government primarily
    viewed its role in relation to Native Americans as one of
    a. creator.
    c. admirer.

  2. The word protocolsas it is used in line 17 most nearly means
    a. beliefs.
    c. codes.

  3. According to the passage, the distribution of peace medals
    a. the American republic’s attempt to forge a relationship of equals
    with native people.
    b.a cultural bridge connecting the Euro-Americans with Native
    American tribes.
    c. the explorers’ respect for Native American sovereignty.
    d.the imposition of societal hierarchy on Native Americans.
    e.the acknowledgment of the power and authority of Native
    American chiefs.

  4. The description of Lewis’ actions in lines 41–43 is used to
    a. depict the expedition in a patriotic light.
    b.contradict commonly held views of imperialism.
    c. make an ironic statement about the meaning of the
    peace medals.
    d.give an explanation for the killing of a Piegan Blackfeet warrior.
    e.provide a balanced report of two opposing points of view.

  5. The description of the pipe ceremony in lines 48-53 is used to
    a. the naiveté of the Plains Native Americans.
    b.cultural confusion.
    c. the superiority of the native inhabitants.
    d.how Plains Native Americans honored low-ranking members of
    e.the addictive properties of tobacco.

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