501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1
intended to influence decisions or actions. Choice bis the only
selection that implies action.

  1. e. The passage describes the decade as one in which spending won
    out over prudent measures like saving (lines 31–32). The wild stock
    market speculation described in lines 35–37 is another example of
    the exuberant decade.

  2. b.The analogy depicts the stock market crash of 1929 as a weakening
    agent to the economy (the way a stressful event may weaken the
    body’s resistance to illness), not as the sole cause of the depression.

  3. d.Lines 56–59 state that the New Deal expanded the role of the central
    government in regulating the economy and creating social assistance pro-
    grams.Choices band care incorrect and choices aand erequire an
    opinion; the author does not offer his or her viewpoint about the
    New Deal measures.

  4. c. The Lewis and Clark expedition did not have a military goal and
    did not have any violent encounters except the one described in
    lines 41–43.

  5. b.Jefferson and his representatives wanted Native Americans to
    acknowledge American sovereignty and to see themselves as chil-
    dren to his role as their “father.”

  6. c. One meaning of protocolis a code that demands strict adherence to

  7. d.The passage states that Lewis and Clark sought to impose their own
    notions of hierarchy on Native Americans by “making chiefs” with
    medals, printed certificates, and gifts(lines 30–33).

  8. c. By placing a peace medal around the neck of a man killed by the
    expedition makes an ironic statement about the meaning of

  9. b.To the Plains Native Americans, the pipe ceremony meant that
    those who participated accepted sacred obligations to share wealth, aid
    in war, and revenge injustice(lines 50–51). The passage suggests that
    Lewis and Clark most likely did not understand the significance of
    the ceremony.

  10. e. One meaning of adoptis to take by choice into a relationship. In
    this context, adopthas another meaning: to take up and practice or

  11. e.By giving manufactured goods to Native Americans, Lewis and
    Clark were promoting Euro-American culture. Jefferson hoped
    that these free sampleswould introduce the Native Americans to
    mechanized agriculture as part of his plan to “civilize and instruct”
    them(lines 58–61).

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