501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. Based on the passage, the relationship between Prometheus and
    humans can best be described as that of
    a. parent and child.
    b.close friends.
    c. master and servant.
    d.bitter enemies.
    e.reluctant allies.

  2. The word transgressionas used in line 33 means
    a. villainy.
    c. irregularity.

  3. The fact that Zeus included Hope in Pandora’s jar (lines 38–41)
    suggests that
    a. Zeus really did love humans as much as Prometheus did.
    b.while Zeus was a vengeful god, he did not wish humans to live
    in utter despair.
    c. Zeus was just playing a trick on humans.
    d.Zeus was trying to make amends with Prometheus.
    e.Zeus wanted to drive Prometheus away from humans.

  4. The content and style of this passage suggest that the intended
    a. are experts on Greek mythology.
    b.are religious officials.
    c. is a general lay audience.
    d.are family members and friends.
    e.is a scholarly review board.

Questions 150–158 are based on the following passage.
The following passage describes an influential group of nineteenth century
When one thinks of student-led rebellions and the changes they can
create, one typically thinks of the struggles of the twentieth century,
such as the civil rights movement or anti-war protests of the sixties.
But there have been less dramatic, though no less passionate, rebel-
lions led by young activists in previous centuries—rebellions that had



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