501 Critical Reading Questions

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. Which of the following does the author NOT provide in this
    a. an explanation of how the city affects art
    b.specific examples of urban art
    c. a reason why outsiders should create public art
    d.a clear distinction between public and private art
    e.an explanation of how public art regenerates the community

  2. Given the author’s main purpose, which of the following would
    most strengthen the passage?
    a. a more detailed discussion of the differences between public and
    private art.
    b.specific examples of art that fulfills each of the functions dis-
    cussed in paragraph 5 (lines 33–42).
    c. interviews with public artists about how public art should be
    d.a specific example of public art created by a community mem-
    ber versus one created by an outsider to expand paragraph 6
    (lines 43–52).
    e.a brief lesson in how to interpret art.


  1. c. The description of the winding paths, shifting landscape and
    sections that spill into one anothersupport the assertion that the
    park lacks a center.

  2. e.Line 8 states that Olmsted wanted to create a democratic play-
    ground, so he designed the park to have many centers that would
    allow interaction among the various members of society(lines 10–11).

  3. b.Line 6 states that the park’s design was innovative, suggesting it
    was very different from other park designs.

  4. a.Olmsted’s goal of creating a democratic park with many cen-
    ters that would allow interaction among everyone without giv-
    ing preference to one group or class(line 11) shows his philosophy
    of inclusion.

  5. b.Lines 3–4 state that the goods pertaining to the soulare called
    goods in the highest and fullest sense.

  6. d.In line 5 Aristotle notes that the definition of good corresponds
    with the current opinion about the nature of the soul.

  7. a. In the second paragraph, Aristotle states that we have all but
    defined happiness as a kind of good life and well-being. Thus, the

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