B. I dislike people who have their fun at the expense
of hurting the feelings of others.
10 A. I have no patience with dull or boring people.
B. I find something interesting in almost every
person I talk to.
____ Boredom Susceptibility Score
Total Sensation-Seeking_____
This questionnaire is provided for general information only, and
should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your
own health care professional. Always consult your own health
practitioner if you’re in any way concerned about your health.
You can interpret your score using this scale:
Score Profile
0–16 Low Sensation-Seeking
17–27 Medium Sensation-Seeking
28–40 High Sensation-Seeking
For each component
0–3 Low
4–6 Medium
7–10 High
Sensation-seeking consists of four distinct components
- Thrill- and adventure-seeking – quest for risk
- Experience-seeking – love of new sensations of the mind
and senses - Disinhibition – ability to be unrestrained
- Boredom susceptibility – dislike for repetition
194 / Appendix 2
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