surprised if she didn’t get herself into trouble every now and
then, which is probably why her family calls her wanderlust
While Rachel’s and Alex’s scores are both in the high range,
you can expect the way in which they would exhibit sensation-
seeking to be quite different. This is true across the board. People
score differently in these areas and their scores have been shown
over and over again to reliably predict what they are likely to do.
Zuckerman’s tool for judging this turns out to be a simple and
elegant way to describe some of the nuances in sensation-seekers.
It’s no wonder so many researchers have used this model to dis-
cover the inner world of sensation-seekers. It’s always nice when
you hit on that combination as a scientist. Despite the individual
nature of the high sensation-seeking personality, there are some
tendencies we see in the population at large.
Who are the High Sensation-Seekers?
Scores on each of the components of sensation-seeking increase
with age, to a point. It’s higher in children and continues to
increase until the late teens and then starts to decrease as you get
older.^23 This might explain why people like Mike and Kirill and
those starring in YouTube videos hurling themselves off houses and
lighting themselves on fire, tend not to be in their fifties. They tend
to be, more often than not, males in the prime of their testosterone
producing years (more on that in thenext chapter). There is one
exception – boredom susceptibility. For most people, boredom
susceptibility remains relatively stable throughout life.
In general males have higher scores than females on three
of the four parts of sensation-seeking.^24 Men tend to score higher
on thrill- and adventure-seeking, boredom susceptibility, and dis-
inhibition. Women outscore men only in experience-seeking. The
gap, however, is closing in thrill- and adventure-seeking. The last
few years have seen a steady increase for the scores of women in
thrill- and adventure-seeking. You can see this reflected in the
number of women participating in extreme sports. While I don’t
believe the popularity of high sensation-seeking as a whole is the
25 / What is Sensation-Seeking
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