Before the Bobbies. The Night Watch and Police Reform in Metropolitan London, 1720-1830

(Jacob Rumans) #1

168 Notes

  1. For the seventeenth century, see K. Wrightson, '1\vo Concepts of Order:
    Justices, Constables, and Jurymen in Seventeenth-Century England', in
    J. Brewer and J. Styles (eds), An Ungovernable People: The English and their
    Law in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Hutchinson, 1978), pp. 21-46;
    J.A. Sharpe, 'Enforcing the Law in the Seventeenth-Century English Village',
    in V.A.C. Gatrell, B. Lenman and G. Parker, Crime and the Law: The Social
    History of Crime in Western Europe since 1500 (Europa Publications, 1980), pp.
    97-119 and JA. Sharpe, Crime in Early Modem England, 1550-1750 (Longman,
    1984), esp. Chap. 4; J. Kent, The English Vdlage Constable, 1580-1642 (Oxford:
    Oarendon Press, 1986); N. Landau, The Justices of the Peace, 1679-1760
    (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984); M. De Lacy, Prison Reform
    in Lancashire, 1700-1850: A Study in Local Administration (Stanford: Stanford
    University Press, 1986).
    The field of urban studies has also contributed important studies of local
    politics and administration. See N. Rogers, Whigs and Cities: Popultu Politics in
    the Age of Walpole and Pitt (Oxford: Oarendon Press, 1989); PJ. Corfield, The
    Impact of English Towns, 1700-1800 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1982);
    P. Borsay, (ed.), The Eighteenth-Century Town (Longman, 1990).

  2. C. Ernsley, 'Detection and Prevention: The Old English Police and the New,
    1750-1900', Historical Social Research, 37 (1986), p. 71.

  3. J. Brewer, The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State, 1688-1783
    (Unwin Hyman, 1989); J. Innes, 'Parliament and the Shaping of Eighteenth-
    Century Social Policy', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 5th ser., 40
    (1990), pp. 63-92 and 'The Domestic Face of the Military-Fiscal State', in An
    Imperial State at War: Britoin from 1689 to 1815, L. Stone (ed.) (Routledge,
    1994), pp. 96-127; M. Braddick, 'State Formation and Social Change in Early
    Modem England: A Problem Stated and Approaches Suggested', Social His-
    tory, 16 (1991), pp. 1-17; D. Eastwood, Governing Rural England: Thlditian and
    Thlnsformation in Local Government 1780-1840 (Oxford: Oarendon Press,
    1994); J.R. Kent, 'The Centre and the Localities: State Formation and Parish
    Government in England, circa 1640-1740', The Historical Journal, 38 (1995),
    pp. 363-404.

  4. Kent, 'Centre and Localities,' p. 403.

  5. For the debate about this topic see 0. MacDonagh, 'The Nineteenth-century
    Revolution in Government: A Reappraisal', The HistoricalJoumal1 (1958), pp.
    53-67; H. Parris, 'The Nineteenth-century Revolution in Government: A Reap-
    praisal Reappraised', The Historical Joumal3 (1960), pp. 17-37; J. Hart, 'Nine-
    teenth-century Social Reform: A Thry Interpretation of History', Past and Present
    38 (1965), pp. 39-61; and V. Cromwell, 'Interpretations of Nineteenth-century
    Administration: An Analysis', ViCtorian Studies, 9 (1966), pp. 245-55.

  6. In this work, 'professional' is used to mean paid, full-time work, with clearly
    prescribed, written rules of prescribed duties, subordinate to a legally recog-
    nized authority. Barbara Weinberger has argued that it was not until the early
    twentieth century, with emergence of a police culture within police forces, that
    we can speak of policemen as fully 'professional' in a sociological sense. While
    I find her argument largely persuasive for the period she discusses, she also
    argues that one key 'distinguishing feature and aspect of police professionalisa-
    tion' was the requirement that the Metropolitan Police wear uniforms. As will
    be shown below, distinguishing dress and markings for law enforcement
    officers did not originate with the Metropolitan Police. B. Weinberger, 'Are
    the Police Professionals? An Historical Account of the British Police Institu-
    tion', in Policing Western Europe: Politics, Professionalism, and Public Order,

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