Before the Bobbies. The Night Watch and Police Reform in Metropolitan London, 1720-1830

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Notes 185

  1. D. Philips, 'Good Men to Associate and Bad Men to Conspire: Associations for
    the Prosecution of Felons in England, 1760--1860', and P.J.R. King, 'Prosecu-
    tion Associations and their Impact in Eighteenth-Centwy Essex', both in Hay
    and Snyder (eds), Policing and Prosecution, pp. 113-210.

  2. For Hanway as a philanthropist, see D.T. Andrew, Philanthropy and Police:
    London Charity in the Eighteenth Centwy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University
    Press, 1989), esp. Chaps. 3 and 4.

  3. Hanway, Defects of Police, pp. 72-9, 84-93, 212-17.

  4. Sir W. Blizard, Desultory Reflections on Police: With an Essay on the Means of
    Preventing Crimes and Amending Criminals (1785).

  5. E. Sayer, Observations on the Police or Civil Government of Westminster, Wuh a
    Proposal for Reform (1784).

  6. Hanway, Defects of Police, pp. 238-9; Blizard, Desultory Reflections, p. 82.

  7. Outlines of a Plan for Patroling and Watching the City of London, Borough of
    Southwark, and their Environs (1786), p. 8.

  8. Outlines of a Plan, p. 9.

  9. Outlines of a Plan, p. 7.

  10. Outlines of a Plan, pp. 18-21.

  11. Hanway, Defects of Police, p. 238. A similar suggestion sent to the Home Office
    in 1782, but with more emphasis on the use of professional magistrates. See
    PRO, H.O. 42/1/, W. Robinson to the Home Secretary, 1782.

  12. Hanway, Defects of Police, p. 238.

  13. Outlines of a Plan, p. 10. See also Blizard, Desultory Reflections, Letter Vllb and
    p. 76.

  14. Styles looks in particular at the use of newspaper advertising, handbills, and
    other printed information. J. Styles, 'Print and Policing: Crime Advertising in
    Eighteenth-Centwy Provincial England', in Hay and Snyder (eds), Policing and
    Prosecution, pp. 55-111; see esp. pp. 88-95.

  15. G. Barrett, An Essay Towards Establishing a System of Police on Constitutional
    Principles (H. Reynell, 1786), pp. 14-19. For other examples, see Blizard,
    Desultory Reflections, p. 82; Outlines of a Plan, p. 15.

  16. Radzinowicz, History, vol. III, p. 109 and Palmer, Police and Protest, p. 89.

  17. BSP, House of Commons, vol. XV, Draft of 1785 Police Bill, pp. 20--22. Here-
    after cited as 1785 Police BiU.

  18. 1785 Police BiU, pp. 14-15.

  19. See Hume, Bentham and Bureaucracy, p. 34.

  20. Pari. Hist., vol. XXV, cols. 888-9.

  21. Devereaux, 'Convicts and the State,' p. 201.

  22. Palmer, Police and Protest, pp. 90--91.

  23. The Daily Universal Register, 1 July 1785, p. 2.

  24. For more on the French police and how they were perceived by the English, see
    Radzinowicz, History, vol. III, Appendix 8.

  25. The Daily Universal Register, 1 July 1785, p. 2.

  26. ParL Hist., vol. XV, cols. 900--13. See esp. speeches by Alderman Townshend,
    Lord Beauchamp, Sir Joseph Mawbey (MP for Southwark) and Alderman

  27. Gentleman's Magazine, June 1785, p. 485.

  28. Quoted in Palmer, Police and Protest, p. 91.

  29. Pari. Hist., vol. XXV, col. 889.

  30. ParL HisL, vol. XXV, col. 906-7.

  31. Quoted in Palmer, Police and Protest, p. 91. For other accounts of the bill's
    defeat, see Webb and Webb, Parish and County, pp. 575-7; Radz-

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