Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais
572 MILITARY REFORM made complex. however. because the eighteenth-century statecraft scholars by no means treated the ideas of t ...
PART IV CONCLUSION 573 than enough men to fill the military rosters without having to recruit yangban. It was the shift from ser ...
574 MILITARY REFORM Yu Suwan (Usa) After Yi Ik, other statecraft scholars of the eighteenth century who took up the problems of ...
PART IV CONCLUSION 575 quota. Although famous for his radical y~jon program for national ownership and egalitarian land distribu ...
576 MILITARY REFORM as a means of producing a truly qualified and educated elite that would deserve the kind of status and privi ...
PART IV CONCLUSION 577 strategy for national defense reflected a kind of static, Maginot-line mentality that was inappropriate f ...
PART V Reform of Government Organization: Introduction Sincc Yu Hyongwon had a lengthy and comprehensive agenda for the reform o ...
580 REFORM OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION included a discussion of the administration of price stabilization, relief, and loan grana ...
CHAPTER 15 The King and His Court "So extreme had the majesty of the throne hecome that the officials trembled with fear. That w ...
Introduction PART V. REFORM OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION Nobility Princes. As a fiscal conservative, Yu Hyongwon was naturally con ...
KING AN D COUR T 583 secondary sons of legitimate wives (i.e., all but the eldest son). Yu, however, also recognized that both u ...
584 REFORM OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION legitimate son, was allowed to succeed to the title of prince. All the rest, referred to a ...
KING AND COURT 585 then attacked the long list of merit subjects because too many low-ranking and undeserved men were appointed ...
586 REFORM OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION oppressive levying of uncompensated labor service on ordinary peasants. Since the preceden ...
KING AN D COURT 587 Altogether, as many as a thousand men from Kyonggi Province might be allo- cated for the labor of transporti ...
588 REFORM OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION Banquets: Regulation of Costs and Ritual Propriety Banquets for officials were an importan ...
KING AND COURT 589 favor. In the Han dynasty, however, Emperor Kao (Kao-tsu) held a banquet where officials and a few feudal lor ...
590 REFORM OF GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION to prove his contention that the king had no right to maintain his own separate treasury b ...
KING AND COURT 591 on military training. The tradition was continued by dukes and other feudal lords later in the Chou, and Empe ...
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