Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

18:I2a-I4a, in ChOng Tasan chOnso [The complete works of Chong TasanJ ha 3 (Seoul:
Munhon p'yonch'an wiwonhoe, 1961): 47S-76.

CHAPTER 15. The King and His Court

  1. PGSR 25:I2a.

  2. Ibid. IS:26a-27a.

  3. Ibid. 2S:27a.

  4. Ibid. 1S:27h-28a. For that matter, nohle ranks were also assigned to princes (Uihin)
    and husbands of princesses (Kongju, Ongju, Kunju, and Hyonju).

  5. Ibid. IS:27a.

  6. Ibid. IS:27b. Yu also traced the history of feudal titles and ranks from the Chou
    through the Sung, ibid. 18:14b-qa.

  7. See Song June-ho I Song Chunho], "Choson sidae iii kwaga wa yangban mit yang'in"
    IThe civil service examinations ofthe Chason period and yanghan and commoners], Yi')ksa
    hakpo 69 (March J 976): J 01 -35.

  8. Edward Willett Wagner, The Literati Purges: Political Conflict in Early Yi Korea
    (Cambridge: East Asian Research Center and Harvard University Press, r 974), pp. 42-50,
    70-73, 9S-120.

  9. PGSR 1S:2Sa- 29 h.
    TO. Ibid. 2S:2oa-26h.
    1 I. Ibid. I3a-1sa.

  10. Ibid. J6:r4a-lsb.

  11. Ibid. 16:ISb. Other superfluous units such as the Naejasi, Naesomsi, and Sadosi
    were to be abolished because their duties were also performed by the Royal Cuisine Office
    (Saongw6n), Pongsangsi, and Yebinsi. Ibid. 16: 16a.
    J 4. Ibid. 16: r6h-17a. For elimination of a number of other unimportant agencies. see
    16: qa-I 8b. Thc aholition of guard commanders of the KyaTllsahok and Ingnimwi was
    ordered because their units had been eliminated; the Wine Bureau (Saons6) was to be
    eliminated because of duplication; and special warehouses for oil, honey, and other items,
    sueh as the Oiinggo and Changhunggo were to be aholished. Ibid. r6:2oa-b.
    IS. Ibid. 7:13h-1Sb; 16a-18a; 26:1sa-b.

  12. Ibid. 7:r8a; 26: I sb-qa.
    q. Ibid. 7:lsb-16a; 26:13a-14a. For a description ofthc ceremony in Chou times,
    IS. Ibid. 26:20b-2sa.

  13. Ibid. 26:17a-20b.

  14. Ibid. q:2b-3a. See q:ra-b for description of these six officials, and the Chou-
    kuan section of the Shang-shu, Ikeda Sueri. eel., Zenyaku kambun laikei ed. I I (Tokyo:
    Shiieisha, 1976):632-34.

  15. Ch'en Pu-liang of the Sung made a similar comment about the possibility that
    the San-kung and Six Ministers could hold positions concurrently. He also remarked
    that the statement in the Book of History that the ancients did not bother with quotas

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