Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Edward Willett Wagner, The Literati Purges: Political Conflict in Early Yi Korea
    (Cambridge: East Asian Research Center and Harvard University Press, 1974).

  2. PGSR I3:2b-3a; for the comments ofYulgok, see sa-b.

  3. Ibid. I3:3a-b.

  4. Ibid. I3:3b-4b.

  5. Ibid. 13:I2a.

  6. Ray Huang, 1587, A Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline (New
    Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, I98r).

  7. PGSR ITI3a.

  8. Ibid. I3:I2a-I3b.

  9. Ibid. 13:I3b-I4a.

  10. Ibid. I3:r8aff.

  11. James B. Palais, Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea (Cambridge: Harvard
    University Press, 1975), p. 54.

  12. PGSR 13:9b-lOa.

  13. Ibid. 13: loa-b. Yu supplied a sample form to be filled out by the recommender on
    13: lOb-I Ia.

  14. Ibid. 13:1 Ia-I lb. The T'ang regulations were adopted in the reign of Emperor Te-
    tsung (r. 780-805) and in Sung times by Emperor Chen-tsung (r. 997-1022).

CHAPTER 18. Provincial and Local Administration

  1. PGSR 7:34b-35b, 50a-b.

  2. PGSR 18: I a-3a; Michael Loewe, "The Structure and Practice of Government," in
    Denis Twitchett and Michael Loewe, eds., Cambridge History (}f China I (Cambridge:
    Cambridge University Press, 1986):463-90; Hans Bielenstein, "The Institutions of Later
    Han," in ibid. 1:472-73, 506-11.

  3. PGSR I8:3a-6a.

  4. Ibid. r8:7a-b.

  5. Ibid. 15:39b-40a.

  6. Ibid. I5:35a-36a. Provincial magistrates (T'ai-shou) in the Ch'in dynasty had assis-
    tants called Ch'eng, and the Han magistrates had assistants called Wei or Tu-wei, ibid.

  7. Ibid. 18: I sa; I5:39b-40a. For the local gentry associations (Hyangch'ong) or the
    list of its members (hyang'an), sec Fujiya Kawashima, "The Local Gentry Association
    in Mid-Dynasty Korea: A Preliminary Study of the Ch'angnyong Hyangan, 1600-1839,"
    Journal of Korean Studies 2 (1980):113-38; Kim Yongdok, Hyang'an yon 'gu [A study
    of the local yangban associations] (Seoul: Han'guk yon'guwon, 1978).

  8. Howard J. Wechsler, "The Founding of the T'ang Dynasty: Kao-tsu (Reign
    618-26)," in Twitchett and Fairbank, eds. The Cambridge History (}fChina 3:174-75.

  9. C. A. Peterson, "Court and Province in Mid-and Late-T'ang," ibid. 3:466-68.

  10. Ray Huang, Taxation and Governmental Finance in Sixteenth-Century Ming China
    (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1974), pp. 27-29; Frederic Wakeman, Jr.,

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