Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Ibid. TS:42a-44a.

  2. Ibid. T S:44a-4Sb.

  3. Kim P·iltong. "Choson hugi chibang sori chiptan iii chojik kuio. sang" [The struc-
    ture of organization of the group ofJocal clerks in the late Choson dynasty. Part I) Han 'guk
    hakpo 28 (Fall I 982J:79-1 16; idem, "Choson hugi chibang sari ehiptan iii ehojik kujo,
    ha" (Part 2) Han'guk hakpo 29 (Winter 1982):87-Il6.

  4. PGSR rS45b-46b.

  5. Ibid. 15:4Ia.
    3 I. The list of the twelve early Koryo river granarics is in ibid. 3: lOa.

  6. The list of his proposed granaries is in ibid. 3:9a-b.
    33· Ibid. 3:8b-15b, 15:41b-42a.

  7. Hsiao Kung-chuan claimed that Chu Hsi only charged 10 percent on loans, but Yu
    Hyongwon recorded Chu Hsi's village granary rate at 2 tou/shih or 20 percent. Hsiao
    Kung-ehuan, Imperial China: Rural Control in the Nineteenth Century (Seattle: Uni-
    versity of Washington Press, 1970), pp. 175-76,55; PGSR 7:36a.

  8. James B. Palais, Politics and Policy in Traditional Korea (Cambridge: Harvard
    University Press, 1975). pp. 132-37.

  9. PGSR 7:3 ra-32a: Ajill rekishi jiten. 10 vols. (Tokyo: Heihonsha, 1962) 9: 183.

  10. PGSR 7:32a-32b.

  11. Ibid. 7:33b.

  12. Ibid. 7:34a-b.

  13. Ibid. 7:34b-35b, 50a-b.

  14. Ibid. 7:36b-37a. Yu also cited the remarks ofLu Tsu-ch'ien, Chu Hsi's close friend
    and associate, who agreed that advance preparations for storing surplus and Li K'uei's
    ever-normal granaries were the best and second-best systems. The third best method was
    simply to distribute whatever grain you had to the population and have them migrate to
    places where some reserves existed. The worst method was making gruel and distribut-
    ing it to the people on a daily basis. Ibid. 7:37a.

  15. Ihid. T37a-38b.
    43· Ibid. 349 b-50a.

  16. Ibid. 3:S3Zl-h.
    45· Ibid. 3:S3b-54a.

  17. Ibid. 3:S4a.
    47· Ibid. 3:S4a-b.

  18. Ibid. 3:54a.

  19. Yi I, Yulgok chOnso 16 (Seoul: Songgyun'gwan taehakkyo, Taedong munhwa
    yon'guwon, 1958): 45a-46b; Tabana Tameo, Chosen kyoyaku kyokashi no kenkyu [A study
    of the history of the community compact and moral education in Korea) (Tokyo, 1972),
    PP·33 6 -37.
    So. PGSR 3:S4a, SSb-S6b.
    SI. Ihid. TS6h-S7a.

  20. Ibid. 3:S4a.

  21. Ibid. 3:S7b-s8a.

  22. Palais, Politics I1nd Policy in Traditional Korea, pp. 147-57.

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