Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Tameo, Chosen kvoyaku, pp. 353-56. Tagawa dated the Haeju compact at 1578 or 1579,
"Kyokyu," part I, p. 63.

  1. Tabana Tameo, Ch()sen kyoyaku, pp. 353-56.

  2. Tabana TameD. ChDsen kyoyaku, pp. 298-304; Yi I, YuiKok chlJnso I 6:7a-I 2a; for
    the text of the Lii-Family Community Compact, see Yi I, 16: T 2a-26h; for the text of the
    reading of the compact at a full session of the association, see T 6:26h-32a.

  3. For the text, see Yi I, YlIlgok chOnso I6:48a-60a; Tabana TameD, CMsen kyoyaku,
    pp. 3T8-24; Tagawa, "Kyokyu," part I, pp. 54-60.

  4. Yi I, Yulgok chOnso I6:34a-45a; Tahana Tameo, ChOsen kyoyaku, pp. 327-36.

  5. Yi I, Yulgok chOnso T6:5Ia; Tabana Tameo, CMsen kyoyaku, p. 346. See the next
    reference for the full citation for the material in the village granary regulations.
    4I. Tabana Tameo, CMsen kyoyaku, pp. 344-45: Sakai Tadao, "Yi Yulgok and the
    Community Compact," pp. 334, 337·

  6. Tahana TameD, Ch()sen kV6yaku, pp. 345-48, 356, 359: Sakai, "Yi Yulgok and the
    Community Compact,"' p. 340.

  7. Sakai. "Yi Yulgok and the Community Compact," pp. 340-4 T.
    44· Ibid .. pp. 365-75·
    45· Ibid .. pp. 375-1\4, 388-95.

  8. Tahana Tameo, Ch()sell kyoyaku, pp. 401-5.
    47· Ibid., pp. 427-35.

  9. Ibid., 450-54, 472-74. Tabana thought that the texl of the community compact Yi
    recommended for adoption was probably Yulgok's, ibid., p. 474.
    49· Ibid., pp. 454-58.

  10. Introduction to the Hwallgyo hyanKyak, cited in Tabana, ChOsen kyoyaku, pp.

  11. Hsiao, Rural China, pp. 184-205.

CHAPTER 20. Yu Hyongwan's Community Compact Regulations

I. PGSR 9: I2a-b.

  1. The sections of the Rites o(Chou were the Hsiang san-HiU [The three local officials]
    and Hsiang pa-hsing [The eight punishments for local areas], PGSR 9:20b. Tabana wrote
    that Yu probably wrote this section during Hyanjong's reign, but could also have done
    so in Hyojong's reign (1649-59) as well. Tahana Tameo, ChOsen kyoyaku kyokashi no
    kenkyu [A study of the history of the community compact as moral education in Chason]
    (Tokyo: Ch6h6sha, 1972), p. 524.

  2. PGSR 9:2 I b-23a. Tabana Tameo has pointed out that Yu's copy of Cho Hon's memo-
    rial was, however. flawed in a few instances based on his comparison of the Pan'gye
    surok with Cho Hon's Illemorial in the Sujong Sonjo silLok 8:36b-38a. Yu mistakenly
    recorded that Cho wrote that Chinese community compacts met only once a month instead
    of twice a month on the first and fifteenth days of the lunar month. He failed to record
    that in China the head, assistant, and secretary of the community compacts first called
    on the district magistrate to listen to his recitation of the Six Edicts of Ming T'ai-tsu,
    after which they lectured the compact members on its contents. He left out Cho's state-

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