Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

ment that the Chinese community compacts also met on new year's day, the winter sol-
stice, and (the emperor's?) birthday. Where T'ai-tsu had issued instructions to the peo-
ple "for each to rest secure in the principle of continuous reproduction" (kag 'an saengni),
Cho recorded this as "be diligent in conducting agriculture and sericulture" (kunjak
nongsang), even though the meaning of the two phrases was essentially the same. Yu cut
the text from 1,119 characters to 6ro in the regular text, plus another 56 in a footnote.
Tabana Tameo, ChOsen kyoyaku, pp. 52-53, 243-47.

  1. PGSR 3:Ia-2a; 9:I 4 b-I5a.

  2. Ibid. 3:^2 a-b.

  3. Ibid. 9: I I a-b; Wada Sei, Chugoku chihO jiji hattatsushi [The history of the devel-
    opment of local self-government in China] (1939. Tokyo: Kyuko shoin, 1975), p. 2.

  4. PGSR 9:I8a-b; Tabana Tameo, ChOsen kyoyaku, pp. 550-53.

  5. PGSR 9:Ia-b. The content of this category ofYu's text was quite close to Chu Hsi's
    Tseng-sun Lu-shih hsiang-yiieh; Tabana, ChOsen ky6yaku, pp. 7-8.

  6. PGSR 9:7b-8a.

  7. Ibid. 9: 15b, 16a. For further discussion of penalties as related to social status, see
    following sections, this chapter.
    II. Ibid. 9:Ia-3a; I5b-I9b.

  8. Ibid. 9:3a-7a.

  9. Ibid. 9:8a-9b, I4b-I5a.

  10. Ibid. 9:I2b-I3a.

  11. Ibid. 9:I3b.

  12. Ibid. 9: I5a.

  13. Ibid. 9: I I b-I 2a. Tabana has raised the question whether Yu meant that no regis-
    ter would be kept for commoners, or that commoners would not be registered at all. He
    pointed out that Yu's directions for the two registers recording good and bad deeds would
    record both scholars and commoners, and he assumed that even those not registered would
    be so recorded. Tabana, Chl5sen kyl5yaku, pp. 552-53. On the other hand, Yu did say that
    commoners would be listed in the kye registers.

  14. Fujiya Kawashima, "A Study of the Hyangan: Kin Groups and Aristocratic Local-
    ism in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Korean Countryside," Journal of Korean
    Studies 5 (19 8 4):3-3 8.

  15. PGSR 9:I2a-b.

  16. Ibid. 9:I5b-qa.
    2 I. Tabana, Chl5sen kyoyaku, pp. 8, I 15-I 7. The language ofYu 's text differed in many
    other instances as well from Chu Hsi's version. Martina Deuchler, "'Heaven Does Not
    Discriminate': A Study of Secondary Sons in Choson Korea," Journal of Korean Stud-
    ies 6 (1988): I 2 1-63.

  17. PGSR 9:I9b-20b.

  18. Ibid. 9:roa; I3b-I4b.
    24· Tabana, ChOsen kyoyaku, p. 554.

  19. Ibid., pp. 562-64.

  20. Ibid., pp. 569-89.

  21. Ibid., pp. 590-602.

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