Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

"Honam," part 4, p. 115 n.180. The MHBG cites King Hy6njong's acceptance of another
memorial from Kim Minhaeng (Kim Mindo?) in 1674 for an additional two mal (per kyo!)
raise in the rice tax in his province, and reduction of the cloth commutation rate (from
twelve mal/p 'il?) to six mal/p'il, and five mal/p'il for Kyonggi Province. MHBG I52:2Ia.

  1. Hyonjong kaesu sillok 27:46b, Hyonjong 14.I2.kyech'uk, cited in Han Yongguk,
    "Honam," part 4, p. 116.
    8 I. Sukchollg sillok 6:33b, Sukchong 3.6.chongsa, cited in Han Yongguk, "Honam,"
    part 4, p. I IS n. I 82. The first proposal for the taedong tax rate in Kyongsang was twelve
    mal/kycil, the same rate currently in use in Cholla, but the Office for Dispensing Benev-
    olence anticipated a serious shortage of revenue and proposed raising the rate to thirteen
    mal/ky()/ of rice, commuted to cloth at the rate of seven mal/p'il, slightly more than half
    the twelve mal/p 'il commutation rate for Cholla. MHBG 152: Ia-b; Kim Okkun, Chosdn
    hugi, pp. 237-39.

  2. Han Y6ngguk, "Honam," part 4, p. I 16.

  3. See the reference to King Hy6njong's order to Min Yujung, governor of Ch6l1a, in
    1665 to find out what the feelings of the people really were, since he had previously been
    reluctant to do so and only relied on the views of the rich that the common people did
    not like the taedong law and recommended that it be abolished. Ibid., "Honam," part I,
    p. 47 n·43·

  4. PGSR 3:33b; KSDSJ 2:1045.

CHAPTER 22. The Taedong Model for Official Salaries and Expenses

I. PGSR 3:23a-24a.

  1. Ibid. 19:17a-b.
    3· Ibid. 3:34a-35b; 3:I9b.

  2. Ibid. 3:I9a-b.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Ibid. 3:34a-35b. This memorial was also excerpted in MHBG I52:I6b-17a. Sim-
    ilar arguments in favor of the taedong system were also made in PGSR 3: 19a-b.

  5. PGSR 3:35b-36a.

  6. Ibid. 3:I6b-17a.
    9· Yu cited Cho Kwangjo on this point, but not the attack on royal expenditures in Yul-
    gok's Tongho mUlldap. See chap. 2 I.

  7. PGSR 3:21b-22b.
    I I. Ibid. 3:23a-24a.

  8. Ibid. 3:24a-25a.

  9. Ibid. 3:25a. For Kogury6's SUbjugation of Okch6, see Ki-baik Lee, A New History
    of Korea, trans. Edward W. Wagner (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1984), p. 24.

  10. PGSR 3:2Ib.
    IS· Ibid. 3:25b.

  11. Ibid. 3: I9a-b.

  12. Ibid. 3:20a.

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