Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1
I 154 G LOS S A R Y

the Ministry of War
Ch'amni $-~ consultant
eh 'am 'up M ~ government hostels
chang ~ elder, one 10-20 years older
than ego
Ch'ang it granary
Chang-chou (p.n.) $1'H
Chang-ku fm Chou dynasty official in
charge of walls and moats
Ch'ang-p'ing ts'ang (Ch.) #~it
Ever-Normal Granaries
Ch'ang-ts'an-kuan (Ch.) # $-1?
Regular Court Counselors (Sung) of
fifth rank or higher
ehang-tsung (Ch.; Kor., ehangjong) ~
1ft long-term, professional soldiers
Chang' agwon '#: ~ ~ Court of Music
Changch'o #tty Robust Select Soldiers
Changdan (p.n.) ~ 11M
~RJ Bureau of For-
bidden Affairs
ehanggwan ~ 1? constable, guard
Changgyo #@: ~ general or commander
in charge of the battalions
ChanghUnggo ~:!J@.,.fijI Long Prosperity
ehang'in JrrA artisans in state employ
ehangja ~1f an elder
ehangjong (Ch., ehang-tsung) ~1ft
long-term, professional soldiers
ehangmull ~ r~ local markets
ehallglli ~~rJ usurious loans
ehallgse ~ & market taxes
Changyesa '#: ~ RJ Slave Bureau,
proposed by Yu Hy6ngwon
Changyewon '#: ~ ~ Slave Agency
(early Choson dynasty)
Changyongdae #t ~ ~ special military
unit est. 1459
Changyongwi #t ~:fIN Robust and
Brave Guards
eh 'allong (X It secondary farmers
eh 'ao (Ch.) ~ single bill of paper

money (Sung)
Chapchik ._ miscellaneous posts
Chapch'olchon ••• metal scrap
ehapkwa .f+ technical examinations
ehapsaekkun • ~ 11[ miscellaneous
reserve soldiers
ehapse • & miscellaneous taxes
Ch'asawon ~{tlt (river transport
grain) commissioners
Chasom chohwago • Itt m it ,.fijI Paper
Money Treasury (late Koryo)
ehayoll ji ri § ~ Z ~ principle of
eh 'e (Ch., t'i) R substance, essence
eh 'ea :iI)l sinecures
eh 'eajik :iI)lf( sinecure
Che-chiang system (Ch.) Win: Late
Ming military organization ofCh'i
Che-eh 'ung-fu, orfu (Ch.) ilTfj Iff, Iff
One of 600-odd assault-resisting garri-
sons in the Sui and T'angfu-ping
military system
ehegam ~ It chiefs of directorates
ehehu ~ 1* feudal lords
Chejo m JiJ.'d conunissioner, or assistant
commissioner (of the Border Defense
Command or other agencies)
Ch'en dynasty (Ch.) rl (A.D. 557-87).
Ch'eng (Ch.) iJS assistant magistrate
Ch'eng-chiin J1X;:IB National Academy
Ch'eng-hsiang (Ch.) iJS;f§ prime minis-
Cheng-shih-fang (Ch.) ll&¥1it Hall of
S tate Affairs
ehesa ~tE ancestral rites
ehesoll ~~ men who passed selection
ehesul iM i2!t written examination
chesung pangnyak iM Mf 1f ~ "victory
strategy" adopted at the time of the
Japanese pirate attack of 1555, the
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