master of documents in charge of se-
lection of officials (Han)
hsiian-shih (Ch.) ill ± selected schol-
Hstian-ts'ao (Ch.) iIIlf PersOlmel
Hsiieh-chi (Ch.) tiC section of the
Book of Rites
Hsun-fu (Ch.) ~. grand coordinators
hu (Ch.) m Chinese measure of volume
(Kor., kok) equivalent to 5 or 10 tou or
pecks (Sino-Kor. tu, Kor., mal)
Hu (Hou, Ch.) 1 Ma rqu is
Hu-shih chiian iii:! ~ 14 The Tradition
of Mr. Hu (Hu An-kuo?)
Hu-shih eh 'un-ch 'iu chiian iii:! ~*;fk
14 Hu An-kuo's commentary on the
Spring and Autumn Annals, early
twelfth-century (Northem Sung)
Hua (Ch.) ~ means of exchange,
Huai Ri ver 1ft 1J[
huan-fa III t! reputedly the first me-
tallic coin (Chou). 1122 B.C.
huan-tso (Ch.) it!3 ring chisel cash
Hugung {t 'B the Rear Palace, for
concubines of former kings
hui-tzu (Ch.) ltT paper scrip, term
first used in lurchen Chin dynasty (12-
13th c.)
Hullyon-byoltae (Pyoltae) -WII. giJ ~
Special Cavalry unit of the MTA
Hullyon-dogam -w11.~m Military
Training Agency, est. 1593
hu-ma-fa (Ch.) P,~ #i:. household
horse system of (Sung)
hundo -wlllJ local educational official
Hundo -wlllJ adviser
Hung-fan (Ch.) ~lfiB Great Plan, of the
Book of History (Shu-ching) (early
Hung-lu-shih (Ch.) fill. ~ agency for
rites and ceremonies (Ming)
Hung-wu (Ch.) ~ iB:; year period of the
Ming dynasty (1368-99)
Hung-wu cheng-yiin (Ch.) ~ iB:; lE iIft
Hungdok (p.n.) (Hungdok-hyon) J!.~
hun 'gup 'a ~ fi ~ established bureau-
crats, merit subjects, and consort rela-
tives of queens
Hungyang (p.n.) J!. jlj
huse {t tit the later agee s)
hwabyong *-~ firearms soldier
hwa-i ~ ~ civilized versus barbaric
hwach 'a *-.$. war wagon
Hwanghae Province '!Ji ifij
hwangjap '0 '!Ji ~ liE! Hwang-type
cannon; the long-barreled cannon
Hwangyo '!Ji II community compact
hwanja 11.1. state-sponsored grain
hwanmok ~* "switching the cotton"
when govenunent officials collected
high-quality cloth from taxpayers but
remitted only low-quality cloth to gov-
enunent warehouses
Hwat'ong-dogam *-:J:ili~m Firearms
Hwayang (p.n.) ~ jlj
hyang • local; subdistrict in Yu
Hyongwon's local govenunent plan,
12,500 families; equivalent to the
contemporary myon
hyang-daebu _ *-~ local officials
hyang sonsaeng .:$t 1: local teachers
hyang 'an • ~ local yangban register
hyangban .1iJl local yangban
hyangch 'ong ... local yangban
hyangdang (hsiang-tang) •• subdis-
trict (hyang) and village (tang), or lo-
cal communities in Yu's system of 10-
cal control
hyangdo _{if incense aSSOCiations
hyangglm .1ft provincial soldiers
hyanggwan .11r local (petty) officials