I I 64 G LOS S A R Y
hyanggyo ;f3t local, provincial
hyanggyu ~lHfl regulations of the
hyanghak . subdistrict schools
hyanghoe 1t subdistrict convoca-
Hyanglu)n . Community Regula-
hyangjong (hsiang-cheng) • .IE offi-
cial of a subdistrict in charge of 500
hyangjungji saryu • 9=t Z ± ~ local
scholars; see yuhyang p 'umgwan
hyangjuumnye _ m tx tt wine
drinking rite
hyangni .51! local elite, lit., "local
clerks"; in Koryo could be appointed
to magistrate's post, but not in Choson
hyangnip yakcho _1L ~ff articles of
a community compact
Hyangnye happ J'on • t:l ~. Com-
bined Edition o/the Community Com-
pact and Local (Wine-Drinking) Rite.
hyangp 'um • ~ local gentry with rank
hyangsa .;fiij village shrines
Hyangsadang • M 1lt Local Archery
hyangsang .fit: Yu's local schools
hyangsarye .Mt:l the local archery
Hyangso • NT local yangban associa-
Hyangsoch'ong NT .. local yangban
associations that perfomled semi-
official duties in supervising local
hyangsu (hsiang-su, Ch) ~ local-
government system
hyang 'umjurye _ tlX m t:l local wine-
drinking rites
hyangyak .~ community compact or
subdistrict community compact asso-
ciation in Yu Hyongwon's local gov-
ernment plan (otherwise translated as
local contract or oath association)
hyehyul ~ 11fn benevolent compassion
Hyeminso ~ ~!i Office of Benefiting
the People (a relief agency)
Hyogyong ~ ~ Book 0/ Filial Piety
Hyokp'yech'ong 1j'1:~" Reform
Hyokp'ye-dogam 4!i ~::m.mt General
Directorate To Eliminate Evils
hyollyang-kwa Jf (jl f-l- special rec-
ommendation examination urged by
Cho Kwangjo in 1518
hy611yong U 1r district magistrate
hyon U district (Choson)
hyon Jf worth
hyon and niing J,ftru worthy and able
Hyonjong Sillok IBjUif~ The Veri-
table Record 0/ King Hyonjollg
hy6njll U'± daughter of a crown prince
by a concubine
Hyonp'ung (p.n.) ~)!iiI.
hyonson ~ ~ 4th-generation male
hyoryok fit~ light-rate service
hyllryangjon 11fnlflB land grant to
i !I! administrative village
!I! one-quarter of a mile
.!l 10-t 'ong or 50-family unit in Yu
Hyongwon's plan
i It!. 50-family group
i-ell 'iell-shih (Ch.) -= T?j officials of
so-called "2,000 pieul rank"
I-eh'ien-shih Ts'ao (Ch.) -= T?jl!l
Office of 2,000 Picul Rank Officials
I Ching ~ ~ Book o/Changes
I-Ii (Ch.) iitt Book a/Etiquette and
i-ts 'ang (Ch.) (Kor., iiich 'ang) ~k
Righteous Granaries
ib 'an JL ~ estate registration