kwajon f+ ill "rank land (system)"
1389, i.e., prebendal grants to men of
o11icial rank
kwalli noye 13' j! tl.. * slaves in serv-
ice to o11icials
kwamok f+ § highest civil service
kwanbo '81 ration support taxpayers
Kwanch'alsa .~-M! Surveillance
Conunissioner, tenn for provincial
governor; see Kuan-ch'a-shih
"wandun 13' y:!: official colonies
kwandunjon 13' Y:!: ill civil official
colony land
Kwanghungch'ang }jl( J! it Prosperity
Expansion Warehouse, also called the
Right Granary (Uch'ang) to store rice
and cash in the capital for payment for
otlicial salaries
Kwangju (p.n.) J't~H \ }jl(~H
K wangju-bu (p.n.) J't ~H Jff \ }jl( 1H Iff
magistracy in Ch611a and Kyonggi
Kwansanggam .~m Directorate of
Kwansu 13' fI! ofticial expenses
"wasil ~ ';k transgressions
kwi :It noble
"wieh 'on • Ml noble and base
kwich '611 mu pya/bull 1{ Ml~ gtl?t no
distinctions between noble and base
"wiga Jt * aristocratic families
kwija .:if men of noble status
kwijok .~ families of noble status
kw6n ~ chapter of a book
"WOII :fl scale
K won' gwan :fl 13' recruiters
K wonnong ltiJ JIl supervisor of agricu-
K wormongsa ltiJ JIl-M! agricultural
promotion agents
"ye ~ associations organized for pur-
poses such as pooling capital and
lending to members in rotation, for the
sharing of tax quotas by its members;
natural village in Yu Hyongwon's plan
for local govenunent (see t 'onggye);
also used for community compact or-
ganizations (Ilyang}'ak)
kyebang ~m an association fonned to
protect members against military
taxes; see "yebangel! '011.
"yebangeh 'on ~ m H a whole village
whose residents would sign up with an
oflicial for low-rate service in order to
reduce the tax burden collectively
"yejang ~ -llt head of a kye association
kyej6n ell 'ulbyong i'fr ill ttl ~
"furnishing soldiers by measuring the
amount of land"
kyo t£ "instruction" from the Korean
king or a Chinese emperor, equivalent
to an edict (Choson)
Kyodo t£ ¥J teacher
Kyodong (p.n.) ~l\iiJ Kyonggi Province
kyogwall t£ 13' educational o11icial;
prefectural or district level
Kyohun t£ till! instructor (of a village
granary "ye)
"yohwa t£ 1t moral transfonnation
through education
kyol a constant measure of crop
yield produced by an area that varied
from 2.2 to 9.0 acres depending on the
fertility of the land
"yol-bu Jl system of land measure-
ment using the kyol and -bu (1/100
ky6leh611 ~ cash surtax on land
"yolmi * the 2-mal rice surtax on
land to supplement military costs,
kyr)/p '0;fJi cloth surtax on land
kyom ellU ki inmin 'Mt.± Jt A ~
combined overlordship over its people
"yomby6llg :;f {If accumulation of large
amounts of land by landlords (at the
expense of small peasants)