Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1


kyomin t£ ~ to educate the people in
moral standards
Kyomsabok ~ PJ {l Concurrent Royal
Stables (of the Dragon Tiger Regiment
or Yonghoyong of the Forbidden Sol-
"yong 91!J1 high ranking officials
"yong (eh 'ing, Ch.) Ij'{ 100 myo
kyong 1rjt seriousness; keeping one's
mind under strict control at all times,
as if one were conducting a rite at an
ancestral shrine or having an mterview
with one's father or ruler
"yong koksajuin ~ - PJ .± J... agents
of the capital bureaus
"yong-myo 1j'{Jit\ system ofland area
Kyong'anCounty(p.n.) .~]Hj lo-
cated in Kwangju-bu in Cholla Prov-
kyongbi ~.. expenditures made from
government funds from regular tax
Kyongbok Palace ~m1!
kyongbyong ~ ~ capital soldiers
Kyongbyongbu ~ ~$ Capital Sol-
dier Office, Yu's proposed name to
replace the current Hullyon-dogam or
Military Training Agency
Kyongch'agwan 1rjt~'§ special crop
Kyongdaebu 91!J17c;R. the Ching and
Ta-fu, officials of the Chou dynasty
Kyonggi Province ~~:itt
Kyongguk taejon ~I II "
~ Great
Code of 1469, revised 1474
kyonggun ~. capital soldiers
kyonggye :m!R-land boundaries
Kyonggyejang :m!R-W\ Chu Hsi on
land boundaries
Kyongjaeso ~rj({EJ9T capital headquar-
ters of a local district
Kyongje yaron ~! 1JYfllf lli8 Rustic
Views on the Management o/the

Country, by U Chonggye
kyongjollon if ffi lli8 Tasan' s essay on
the well-field system
Kyongjong,King(r.1720-24) ~*
Kyongjori (Kyongjuin) ~ @ ~ ( ~
.± J...) a district's Capital Agent
Kyongju (p.n.) • ,'H
Kyongjuin ~.±J... see Kyongjori
kyolIg'o waeran Jjttp~~L TIle Japa-
nese rising of 1510
K yongsang Province • ~ :itt
kyongse ~ m regular tax receipts,
funds raised legally and openly by
authorized state taxes
K yongse yup 'yo ~ tit ilr~ text by
Kyongsigam ~ ffl It Directorate of the
Capital Markets
Kyongsuso tf~ J9T police boxes
kyongswaema ~ ijIJ.~ cost of horse
transportation in the capital
Kyongyon ~iJg the Royal Lectures
"yongyollg ~ Jfl regular expenditures
kyongyonghyolIg pUllong ~ ~ ~ jiM
managerial rich peasants
Kyonnaeryang (p.n.) ~JJ~
kyosaellg :t3t 1: students in provincial
K yosogwan :t3t. til Publications
Kyosu t£rft instructor
Kyoto (p.n.) ~$
Kyujanggak ~:Iif 1m archival library of
the Choson dynasty
"yujoll * ffi land grants by King Wen
of Chou to his officials at the end of
the second millennium B.C.
kyun HJ equality, equity
kyunjoll HJ m equal-field system
kyunmill HJ ~ making the people equal
kyunyok HJ:B[ equal service
kyunyokpop HJ:B[t! the Equal-Service
Law of 1750
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