Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

degree), 7, 35, 37, 38,127,129,158,175,
191 ,477,479,4 8 [,647,7 2 3,84 6
Chinsa (garrison commander), 513
chinsang (royal tribute), 32, 49, 50, 772 , 773,
779,7 8 [,785,800,8[8,821
Chinsawon. See Hall for Advanced Scholars
chinyongjang (yongjang), 397, 617
Chip'yong-hyon, [138
chiu-ming, 632
chiu-p'in, [33-34, [4 0 ,202,65 0 ,65 1
Ch'iu Chiln, [20, [44, 159,410,510,526,
598-99,606-7; on archery, [84; on copper
cash, 879, 883-84, 889-90, 897, 9[0; on
corruption, 693; on government, 6 I 5, 6 [9,
627,669,675-76,838, 1121; on grain
loans, 692-93; on paper money, 898-99,
900-902; on rank and salaries, 836-37,
[ [38; on the village militia, 405
Ch'iu Shih-liang, 657
cho (tiao; T'ang capitation tax), 49
cho (tsu; tax or rent), 45-46, 64-65, 66, 295,
Cho Chi bin, 945, 946
Cho Chin, 7[4, 745-46
Cho Chinhili, 945
Cho Chun, 42,43, 218,256,280,293-99
Cho, Dowager, 457, 458
Cho Hon (Chungbong), 6, 239, 709; analysis
of, 1008, 1014; on clothing, 637-39, 643;
on community compacts, 7[9- 2 [,73[,735,
760, [128; dies in battle, 82; in exile, 77; on
government, 73, 633, 635-37, 66[,666-67,
831; memorials of, 120,234,603-4,607-
8; policy toward Japan, 77; on slavery, 234;
on soldiers, 403, 5 [6; on taedong system,
Cho Hyonmyong, 47[,559,560
ChoIk, 23[, 363, 78 4,7 86 , 790,79[,793
Cho In'ok, 42, 1025
Cho Kwangjo, 7, 157, 175,203,420,585,
60 7- 8 ,635,66[-62,664,7[2-[4,715,
717,759; on taedong system, 771-72, 796;
on tribute, 8 [8
Cho, Lady, 1038
Cho Munmyong, 248-49, 549, 950, 960
Cho Pyongsik, 758
Cho Sanggyong, 973-74
Cho Sasok, 926
Cho Sik, 73, 626, 783, [[ 38
Cho Sogyun, 793
Cho T'aegu, 547
Cho T'aeok, 94[
Cho Un' hoI, 76


Cho Wonmyong, 943,944,946,947
ch '0 (company, military organization), [035
ch'o (wife), 583
Chobangjang, 80, 8 I
choch 'am, 602, 606
Choch'ang, 687
choch (mg, 522
ch ()dae, 177
Choe, Ching Young, 792, 8[0
Ch'oe Ch'unghon, 660
Ch'oe Chun'o, 243, 245
Ch'oe family, 374
Ch'oe Hang, 65
Ch'oe Hojin, 55
Ch'oe Hungwon, 752-53, I 130
Ch'oe Husang, 449
Ch'oe Muson, 84
Ch'oe Myonggil, 102,610,784-85,789,793
Ch'oe Sokchong, 930-3 [
Ch'oe Sungno, 2[4-[5
Ch'oe Yongho, 36, 39-40,473, 1102
Ch'ogwan, [035
ehojol,4 28
chok (legitimate sons), 349, 583, 748
chok (local community unit), 4 [4
ehOkcha, [29
chOkchangja, 582, 583
chOkchang-jason, 346
chOkchOn, 590, 591-92
chokchOng, 4 I [-[2
ehokse, 137, [90
ehOkso,73 0 ,74 8
ehoktang, 735,747
ehO,', [71
ChOlchesa, 5 [3, 1034
Ch'6lchong, King, 702, 997
ehO,'ka, 788
Chillla Province, 7, 81; artisans, 29; crop fail-
ure, 939; garrisons, 396; grain loans, 554;
hired labor, 239, 244; Imjin War, 79, 80, 82,
83; land, 362, 364, 374, 378; markets, 3 [;
military expenditures, 552; minting, 864,
867,926,978; rebellion, 77, 367; rice pro-
d!Jction, 109; scholars, 7[2; slaves, 259;
wedong system, 783, 787, 789, 79[, 793-
813 passim, 940; yang ban status, 38
Ch'(illi, 12-13,291,328,605,827
ehollon, 379, [086
chOlsu ib an, 346
ChOltosa. See Pyongsa
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