Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

and cash, 857-60, 864, 874, 875,909,913,
934; and chronic illness excuse, 103; and
community compacts, 729-31; and com-
promisers, 101; coup attempt against, 102;
crisis in 1626,474; death of, [04, 395; and
Ever-Normal Bureau, 858; and factions, 7,
63, [[ 3,457,460; and filicide, 103, 113;
government, 602; and Manchus, 95-96, 98,
99, 100-101, 394, 1097; military, 93-94,
~97, 442 -43, 453, 473; and mourning term,
583; rearmament, [02; rehellion, 94-95;
royal guard, 94; students, 473, 475, 547;
taedong system, 782-89, 8 I 3, 926; taxa-
tion, 404; Westerners, 1037-38
Injo Restoration, 93, 96, 97, 50 4, 576 , 7 8 4,
injcing, 122, 123
Imnul ch'ubyon-dogam, 2 I 8
Inner Forbidden Guards (Naegumwi), 415,
1105, [106
Inner Hall, [90, '96
Inner Prime Ministers (Nei-hsiang), 598
inp'um, 294
insa, 826
illsim, 12, 13,949
Inson, Queen, 458
Inspector (Chien), 678
Inspector-general (Taesahon), 483
Inspector of medicine (Simyak), 679
Instructors. See Kyosu
Instructors of the Youthful Benighted, [64
inSllll kosik, 329
inyok, 328, 605, 827
ipho ch 'ulbyi5nK, 314
ippangjigun, 49 [
Irregular officials (San-kuan), 613
Irrigation. See Ag11culture
Iry6n, '45
isahcip, 1 I 26
Ivory soldiers. See abyang

Jackson, Andrew, 32, 922
Japan: agriculture, 355, 365; brass imports,
948; eash in, 56; colonial regime, 356; com-
munity compact fragment in Japanese,
758 -59; copper exports, 53, 55, 857, 859.
988,999, "47; cotton imports, [11-12;
daimyo, 839; decapitated heads of Japanese,
T035; fortifications, 9'; gold exports, 30;

INDEX 1247

grain imports, II r8; internal wars, 78,
ro07; Japan House (Waegwan), 32, 783.
946,948; Korean policy toward, 77; local
markets, 56; and Manchus, 395; Meiji era,
637; military power, 75-76, 78; peasants,
355; population, 367; prisoner of war in,
681-82; residents in Korea, 81; silver
exports, 902, 976-77, 979; Tokugawa, [77,
284,326,977,979,988, 10[4; trade with
Korea, 3 [-32, 51; Warring States, 177; ~(j,

  1. See also Imjin War; Toyotomi
    Jen-tsung, Emperor (Sung), 897, 898
    Joseph II. 355
    Jui-tsung, Emperor (T'ang), 1119
    .lurchen, 227, 408, 41 [,433, 898
    .lurchen Guards (P'yongnowi), 434
    lurchen Quelling Guards (Chongnowi), 434.
    435,54 2

Kabo, 269, 590, 609, 6 [ [, 8 [8, 848, I 1 [7
kach 'uk, 256
Kado (Ka Island), 789, 857
Kadok Island, 77
kaek. See kaekchu
kaekchu, 3[,73,820
Kaesong, 30,44,5[,94,96, 460,833,965;
cash, 859-60, 86[, 873, 919; minting, 928,
kag Gn saengni, I 129
K(li-yUan t'ung-pao, 889, 890, 895, 910
kakcha susejon, 800
Kaksa, [[ I, 823, 827
kamgwall. 346
kami, 530, 826
kammun, 504
Kang Chinch'ol, 334
Kang Chunhilm, I 151
Kang Hang, 326, 681-82
Kang Hongnip, 93
Kang Kamch'an, 436
Kang Man'gil, [I 1,244,569,933,966-67,986
Kang Paengnyon, 481
Kang, Princess, [() 3, 1038
Kang Sokki, 103
K'ang-hsi, Emperor \Ch'ing), 990
Kanghwa Island, 5, 26, 94, 96, 99, 100,525,
852 ,861,9 28
Kangjin, 378
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