1002-[9: and land reform, 27, 28, 4[-46;
and meritocracy, 32-33, 34, 41: and military
service, 1005: and moral persuasion, 710-
12,7 [5,733, 750-51: and overthrow of
Kory() dynasty, 25-28: and paper money
and copper cash, 50-59: and peasants,
[006: and punishment, 1005: and religious
programs, 27: and sarimp ([ scholars, 711;
and schools, 28, [005: search for fulfill-
ment, 200; and slavery, 41,217,222,224,
238, [005; social programs, 27; and Sung
scholars and statesmen, 299, 1003: and
taxation, 47-50; and yangban, 34-41,1005:
Yu Hyongwon's approach, 642. Sec also
Sirhak (Practical Learning); Yu Hyongwon
New Select Soldiers (Sinson'glln). 502
ngo-yen, 886
nien-k'o. 652
Nine-rank system (chill-p 'ill), [.B-34, 140,
202,63 2 ,65 0. 6 5[
Nit'anggae. 80
Nitrate Bureau (Y(lnsoch'(lng), 524
No Sahyo, 8
No Susin, 77, 718
nohi. 35, 256, 26 7, 730 , 754
Nobi ch'uswae-dogam, 479
110bi isejibCip, 234
nobi se~ii-bCip. 333
N obi I i ty and baseness. See kwich (5n
nojan. 288
nokchol1 .. 135
nokkwan, 629, [ I I7
Noksa. Sec Clerks
nong. 375
nongjallg. 67
Noron. See Patriarch's Faction
Northern and Southern dynasties, [[ 6, [20,
121, [33, [34, [37, 174, 28 5,29 0 ,291. 40 7,
878, 886-87
Northern Army (Pei-chiin), 406, 453, 503
Northern Ch'i dynasty, 287, 288, 650, 675
Northern Chou dynasty, 146
I\'orthern Sung dynasty, 143,300, 302, 306,
3°7,3 0 8,408,737
Northern Wei dynasty: ceremonies, 595; cur-
rency, X86: equal-tield system, 69, 286, 287,
288, 289, 290. 292. 4°7: tinnily pedigree,
137: household taxes, 290: land, 37 [, 375:
officials. 652, 653, 656
Northerners (Pug'in). 7, 64
Noso, 96, 102, [[3,1037-38
INDEX [257
Nothoi, 33, 37-38, 76, 88, [96, 198.348-50,
434,477,582-84, 6tH), 666-07, 730, [022;
Yu Hyongwon's views on, 748-49. See also
nilng. 127, [74
Nungmaach'(lng, 398
Nungyang, Prince. See Injo, King
Nurhaci, 93. 95, 227
() (file, military, of four men), 1036
() (group of five families), 724
o Toil. 496
dbyu. 192
Oda Nobunaga, 75
oehanx ('hinsonx, 82 [
oech () konx.i{ll1g. 920
oego nobi, 49. 68. 21 1,25[, 258. 337, [058
Oesa, [62
Office for Dispensing Benevolence (Sonhye-
ch'ong), 73. 489, 563, 78 [, 800, 8 I I, 831,
85 1,85^2 , 870, 937, 938 , 946, 950. 957, 973,
974,997, 1032 , 1137
Office for the Deliberation of Forbidden
Afrai rs, 620
Oftice land. See chikchan
Office of Ancestral Sacrifice, 644
Office of Astronomy, 644
Office of Benefiting the People (Hyeminso),
Office of Cash. 644
Office of Censor-General (Saganw6n), 90,
451 ,6[0,6[8,64[.667,67 1 ,7 1 4,79[,793,
Office of Comprehensive Rituals. 644
Office of Constant Attendance. 648
Office of Diplomatic Correspondence, 639, 640
Office of Diplomatic Documents, 644
Office of Gardens, 645
Oftice of Honorary Guests, 644
Office ofInspector-General (SahOnbu), 455,
662, 667, 668, 672, 7[3,757, 938, 945, 98[
Office of Merit Subjects (Ch'unghunbu), 7['
Office of Music, 644
Office of Personnel. 648
Office of Printers, 644
Office of Remonstrance, 2 I 8. 2 [9
Office of Royal Decrees, 616
Office of Royal Doculllenb, 641
Office of Royal Relatives (Chongch'inbu),
58 8,645,937,943