San-kung. 593, 594, 838. 1113
san-lao, 707
San-sheng. 595. 598
San-shih. 594
San-shu. 177
San-ssu. 598
sanfi, 164, 165,202
Sang-shu, 656, 657
sangbc'Jn, 448
sanfich 'am, 602, 606
Sanggwanhoe, 733
sanfigye, 754
Sanggycjang, 736
sanf?ho-daehu. 756
sang'in. 436. 754
sanf?jik. 257
sangjcJn.7^2 5.7^26
sangjong. R09
sangjc'Jflf?Mp, R09
Sangju. 29. 76 , 79, 87
san filii ok, 800, I [44
sangnap, 853
sangp '0, 52, 58
Sallf?p 'yc'Jng t'ongbo, 58
Sangp'yongch'ang. See Ever-Nomlal
Sangp'yongch'ong. See Ever-Normal Bureau
Sangp'y6nggam. Sec Ever-Normal Directorate
Sang'iiiwon. See Royal Clothing Office
san 'f?Ull. 799
san'gwan. 35.632. 1022
sano, 841 ~42. 1140
sanobi, 213
sansong, 84.529
Saongw6n. See Royal Cuisine Omce
sapt/e, 556
sap ae nobi, 259
sarimp'a (sarim), 420, 7[ [, 712, 7[4, 716,
saryc'Jng, 5 [5, 684, 1088
sarvu. 137,189,194,199,714,722,726,730,
sasa, 1026
sase, 341. 343, 34S
sase jon, 34 [. 342
Sasomsi. See COllrt t'or Providing Aid
sason. See pO/1.I!JII
Sasong T(JIlggo, 639
sasu, 88, 89, 518
Saving the Destitute Agency. 644
Sayogwon. See Court of Interpreters
Scholars of the Northern Gate Wei-men hstieh
shih), 597
Schools: curriculum. [82~88. 207: discipline,
179~82; in early Chos6n, 28. [47: cxtra-
quota students. [62. 17[. [96.477,543,
547: fine on dismissed students, 542~43.
564: Governor's School, 162, [74, 175, 177,
[79: home instruction, 164; leniency for
yang ban, 195; military service for failed
students, 547~48; Peer's School, 163, 195,
196; private academies, 147~48, 164, 168.
204: promotion and recruitment, 174~82:
proposed new system. 162~66: punishment,
1005; quality of teachers and educational
officials, 159-60, 165: quotas. 171--74, 186,
187,205: and royalty. 195-96: school slaves.
163.193: status or schools. 160-62, 163,
168; subdistrict schools. Ins. 171. 177; and
technology, 185~88. 2(>7; Yu Hyongwon's
reform program. See also Education; Exam-
ination system
Schools or the Four Gates (Ssu-men-hsUch),
Schwartz, Benjamin, 150
se (taxes), 279,487
se (term used to represent the age of a person).
12, 170
seMI. 137, 190, 1024
sech 0, 449. 456. 493
Secretariat (Chung-shu sheng). 596. 598, 599
sef?onf!" 132
segybflg, 336
Seje (Bird's Peak), 84
Scjo, King, 32. 36: family of. 607: and money,
57, [017; and "office land" system, 65; and
officials. 629, 710; and prebends, 65, 372;
and registration system, 226; royal power.
433, 597; and slavery, 22 I, 224, 225, 226.
62 I : and Three-Wing reform, 1035; and
trihute, 7 I, 72, 774, 849; and troops, 510.
1105: usurps throne, 62, 65, 584, 71 1.1094
Sejojo ilf!,i, "25
sejok, 195, 199. 295, 346~47. 1023
sejOn, 338
sej{)n kwanha. 240
Sejong chiriji. 48
Sejong, King: and cash. 54-56. 57. 908,910,
1017, 1027~28: compassion of. 53; and
copper mines, 30: government. 597, 602~3,
60 4, 60 7,616,7 1 0; and guards, 433, 434,