Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Song Hun, 486
Song Inmyong, 752, 852, 957,959,960,
971-76 passim, I 149
Song June-ho (Song Chunho), 36-38, 39, 40.
Song K wangyon, 491
Song Sanggi, 548
Song Sanghyon, 1033
Song Siyol, 102, 394, 395. 398,444-66 pas-
sim, 539-49 passim. 562. 570, 574, 582 ,
732-33,757, 10 49; Anti-Manchu, 793; and
cash, 925; death of, 247-48, 583; and
matrilineal rule, 231,236-37,239,247,
106 I; resigns, 791; and taedong system,
796,797, 798, 925; and taxes, 795; West-
erner leader, 231
S()nggyun'gwan. See National Academy
S6ngho. See Yi Ik
.\ongjok, 170, 189
Songjong, King (Choson), 589, 607, 7 I 1,7 I 2,
777; and cloth as tribute, 57; and govern-
ment, I 125; and guard units, 1093-94;
leniency toward embezzlement, 420; and
paper money, 58. 908: and prebends, 66:
and slavery, 21 S; and taxes, 66, 7 I
Songjong, King (Koryo). 5 I. 902
Songmun.5 07
Songmunsa, 645
Songmyo, 162
slingni, 182
Songp'a, 98 I
sOIl'gun, 43
Sonhyech'ong. See Office for Dispensing
Sonjo, King, 8; and cash, 857, 909; on cloth-
ing, 637, 6}8; and community compacts,
717--19,721,733,735,760; and Easterner
advisers, 77; and factionalism, 63; flees
capital, 227; and garrison system, 87, 88:
and government, 604, 616, 662; and mili-
tary service, 85-86, 234, 400; and muskets,
use of, 85,436; and national defense, 76;
and partying, 635, 636; and slavery, 88,
227-28, 234, 248; and taxes, 777; and trea-
sury, 589; and tribute. 72. 772,773,774,
778, 779-80; and war decisions, 82, 83,
Sonjon'gwan (Songj6n sm,ik), 616
sonmu kun 'gwa/l, 564
sonsa, 127,129,152,162,191, 196
Sonsan, 71 I
sli/lsa/lg /lobi, 49. 258. 779


sli/lyong, 943
,wicJ/, 76,88, 196,348-50, .175,722,730,747,
Sori. See Clerks
Soron. See Disciple's Faction
soryangmi, 789
Sosa, 627, 630
sosa, 597
Soso, 1038
Southern Army (Nan-chlin), 406, 453, 503
Southern Sung (1127-1280),87, 143,300,
Southerner faction (Nam'in), 7, 102,252,
394, 46 I, 539, 779; and control of Military
Training Agency, 457-58; purged, 458-61,
540; and slavery, 231,247,248; and support
of taedong reform, 797
,\'i)\\'on (low-level clerks in the bureaus), 73,

sowon (private academy), 147, 162,723
Sowon hyangyak, 718, 72 1-24, I 127
Spain, 902
Sparrowhawk (Dutch vessel), 886
Special Destruction Corps (Pyolp'ajin), 523
Spring and Autumn Annals (Ch 'un-ch 'iu), 283,
Spring and Autumn Office (Ch'unch'u'gwan),
616,619; historian's office, 644
Ssu-ch'lian, 308
Ssu-hsien, 525
Ssu-k'ou, 267, 594. 620
Ssu-kung, 594, 621, 622, 1114
SSll-lo, 126
SSll-ma, 46, 94, 127, 508. 544, 594, 655
Ssu-ma Ch'ien, 556
Ssu-ma Chih, 182, 884
Ssu-ma Kuang, 143,302,619,697,934, 1121
Ssu-ma Yen, 408
SSll-men-hsiieh, 162
Ssu-shih (Market Agency), 879
Ssu-shih (personnel officer), 647
Ssu-t'u, 46, 128, 593, 655, 7 I I
Ssu-t'u-fu, 133
Stalin, Joseph, 356
Standard Bearers, 465
State Council COijongbu), 62, 105, 146,443,
588 ,594-99,602, 60 4,606,610,621,660,
662,667,668,7 6 5- 66
SUo See hyang
Su Ch'o, 676
SuHslin, 300, 301,304,JI5
Su Shih, 408, 409, 41 I
Su Wang-chih, 838

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