Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Surplus Storage Warehouse (P'ungj6ch'ang),
suryong, 739
Susayong (Suy6ng), 517,530
Suwon, 96, 395, 860, 965, 1037,1062
Suyong (Susayong), 517, 530
Swordsmen, 85, 89
Szechwan, 885, 897

la-chen, 88
la-eh 'uan, 879
Ta-ch' (ian wu-pai, 887
Ta-fu,656, 665,667,678, 837,840
la-hsiieh (adult schools), 151
Ta-hsiieh. See The Great Learning
ta-kuo, 837
Ta Ssu-k'tmg, 678
Ta Ssu-llla, 203, 545
Ta Ssu-t 'u, 203
Tabana Tameo, 709, 728, 729, 750, 753, 755,
758, 1125-26, I 127, 1128, J J 29
{(Ie, 489, 1035, 1036
taehi, 174
laelm (la-Ju), 127, 129, 173,280,284-85,
317,319,320,338,739,826,829, 1110;
and expenditures, 846; and land grants, 335,
341 ,55^6
Taebu. See Tohobu
Taebuk. Sec Great Northerner faction
taebusa (la-jil-shih), 191,284,319,320,336,
348,43 2 ,735,747
Taech'ong, 1035
Taedong Agency (Taedongch'6ng), 78 1,784,
Taedong Agency for the Three Provinces, 783,
Taedong ehormok, 8 I 3, I 134
Taedong Granary (Taedongch'ang), 684
Tacdong River, 88
taedong system, 20, 21,73, I 12, I 14, 275,
538,571,1009; adopted, 782; after 1666,
8°9-12; benefits and weaknesses of, 804,
805, 806, 809-14, 815-IR, 853-54; and
cash, 866-68, 939: cloth/cash exchange
rate, 939-940: in coastal areas, 794-97,
805, 808: comlllulation rates, 798-800,
805-6,807-9,814,925-26; district capital
agent. 802-3: etfects on garrison soldiers,
794; effects on peasants, 794-95, 8 I 5; esti-
mated expenditures, 845-47; grain/cloth

INDEX (^1269)
exchange rate, 924: leader of reform, 797;
origin of. 778-80; in provinces, 780-814,
824; purchasing masters, 823-24; quotas,
816; rice/cloth tax rate, 798-99, 807-8;
and transportation, 797, 817; in uplands,
795-96, 798-99, 805-Q: use ofrevenues,
taedongb6p, 78 I
Taedongch'ang, 684
Taedongch'ong. See Taedong Agency
taedongmi, 105, 114,359,370,521,1015
Taegu,79,87,108,244,25 1 ,943
l'aeguk, 13
faegun, 341,584
T'aehak, 125, 146, 160, 162
laeho, 106
Taehiing fort, 459, 460, 464
Taejang, 8 I, R9, 94, 443, 48 9, 544
T'aejo, King (posthumous name), 49, 295,
903, 1028; founder of Koryo dynasty, 213-
14; and land. 293-94, 323; and local gentry,
709; and slavery, 2 14-I 5, 222. 225, 230,

  1. See also Yi Songgyc
    fae jok, 1023
    Taejol, J 104, I 106
    faejol!, 942
    Taejon husongnok (Supplementary Law Code
    of 1543), 225
    T'aejong, King, 30, 44; agricultural policy of,
    109; and elite guards, 433, 434; and govern-
    ment, 597, 599, 709-10: and money, 54,
    907, 1017; and order of succession, 62; and
    patrilineal rule, 222. 223, 224, 225, 549;
    and slavery. 220-2 I, 222, 224, 225, 253,
    549; and taxation. 64, 560; and tribute con-
    tracting, 7 J : as Yi Pangw6n (before becom-
    ing king). 32
    taenap (pangl!ap), 71, 74, 112,772,773,774,
    96 5,9 68
    T'aengniji. 1085
    Tacsahon, 460, 481, 483
    Taesama, 545
    taesin, 453,599,871,1061
    T'aeuiwon, 623, 644
    Taewongun (Taewon'gun): animosity toward
    private academies. J 48. 204: expands power
    of the throne. 763: and fishing weirs, 834;
    and land surveys. 326; and local govern-
    ment, 767: and money supply. 96", 998,
    1017; and recommendation process, 668;
    and reforms. 8. 6 J J. 765. 766, 767; and
    taxes, 568, 576, 945; and village granary

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