1274 INDEX
wei (assistant magistrate, Han), 1122
wei (guard units on the frontier, Ming), 1089
Wei Chuan, I 34
Wei dynasty, [33, 134, [35,605,6[3,614,
617,648, 6y), 654, 691, 884, 885, 896
Wei Hsiang, JOo, 301-2
Wei HSiian-t'ung, [42,650-5[,655
Wei Piao, 1043
wei-so, 77,410
Weights and measures, 322-27, 387, 624
Well-field system: and agricultural methods,
369,526; and Ch'in dynasty, 316; Chou
model, 44, 69, 278-80, 280-86, 3 I 0, 3 I I,
405, 1006; described, 280-86; destruction
01',414; and elimination of poverty, 306-7;
and family expenses, 896: feasihility of
restoring, 299-30 [. 369: fundamental prin-
ciples of. 293, 295-96: and sliduebu, 338:
size 01" units, 304-5, 380; and slavery, 334;
Tasan's views on, 373, 378: Yu Hyongwon's
views on, 290-91, 309-[ [, 3 I 6, 336, 338,
51 3,5^26
wen, 126
Wen, Emperor (Former Han), 591, 678,
881-82,104 2,1119
Wen, Emperor (Sui), 289, 708
Wen, Emperor (Wei), 895
Wen-hsien t'ung-k'ao, 8, 290, 594, 893, [046
Wen, King (Chou), 43, 293, 306, 329, 556,
590, 879, II I I
Wen, Marquis, of Wei, 6') [
Wen-tsung. Emperor (rang), 657
Western Chin dynasty, 1.15,884,885
Western Region, 885-86
Western society: and hired labor, 256-57; and
slavery, 208-[ I: threat to Korea in I 860s,
Westerner faction (S6in), 7, 63, 77, 83, 1038;
coup d'etat, 93-94, 782, 1008-9: Elder
Westerners, 96, 98, 102, 113: internal divi-
sion,96-98, 101-2, 113,464,465,539-40;
and King Hyojong, 394; merit subjects,
103T military influence of, 458-61: and
practical statecraft, 546; Pure Westerners,
1038: seizes power, 457; and slavery, 23 I,
247-48: and IIIedollg reform, 797; Young
Westerners, 96, 97, ')R, [02, 113, 1038
wi, 155
Wi Sep\lIlg. 752
Wine-drinking rituals. 126, 127, 130, 174,
71 I, 7:'>7
Winged Forest Guards (Urimwi). 227, 433,
435,506,1 [OS: (Ingnimwi), 1035, I I 13
Women: clerks, 764: empresses, 600; and
family prestige, 3T and government ser-
vice, 844-45: and moral instruction, 719;
and Neo-Confucian programs, 2]; and obe-
dience, 764-65: princesses' right to salt
flats, 30; and salaries, 764: servants, 841;
and sex discrimination, 727; shamans, 259,
260, 358; slaves, 55, 250, 259-60, 263,
479,686- 8 7,844-45
Won Ho, 1033
Won Inson, 259-60
Won Kyun, 83
Won Tup'yo, 395, 397, 447, 478, 52 3, 732 ,
791,793,799, 80 7,862,868
Won Yuhan, 870, 872-74, 875, 905-6, 912-
23: and cash, 926, 927, 956, 957, 993,996,
997-98, I LIS, 1 ISO, 1151
wonbu. 377, 378
Wondang, 395
wilIJ 'gong. 800
wonjong, 504
w()l1jonr; kongsin, 1094
W6nju, 941
wrJllsa, 129
W6ns6ng, King (Silla), 146
Wu-ch'eng, Emperor, 288
Wu Ching, 653
Wu-chun tu-tu-fu, 410
Wu dynasty, 519, 887
Wu, Emperor (Former Han), 132,233,407,
591 ,647,678,883,895
Wu, Emperor (Wei), 4')[
Wu, Emperor (Western Chin), 614
Wu, Empress (rang), 408, 503, 506, 619,
656, 692, t 120
Wu, King (Chou), 293, 306, 879
lVII-ii, 152
wu-p'ing, 289
Wu San-kuei, 459
Wu-wang, 282
Wu Wang-hi, 882
Ivu·ll·d. 595
yain, 284, 295, 31 '), 339, 35 [,487
Yakchang,7 28
Yakchong, 717, 718, 728,736, 738,742,744
yakho,4 87
yaksok,5 16
yamen, 630