Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

yang (good status). 218, 225, 553, 564, 748,
yang (liang; a measure of weight), 857
Yang Ch'eng, 663
Yang Chien, 302
Yang, Emperor (Sui), 116
Yang Hao, 857
Yang Kuan, 142, 157
Yang-kuei-fei, I I 14, 1121
Yang Kuo-chung, 596, I I 14, I 121
Yang Shang-hsi, 675-76
Yang Songji, 30, 36-37, 65, 72, 220, 1024
Yang Taebak, 82
Yang Tukchung, 8
Yang Yen, 303
mngl1l1, 105, 106, 107, 108,358,361,362
Yangban: and commerce, 873, 964-65, 984:
defined, 34-35, 138: dominance of, I 18,
575-76,1019; in early Choson, 34-41, 60,
118; and education, 162; and evasion of tax
and service, 18, 19; family penalties, 38; in
historiography, 4; in Koryo period, 26-27,
I 18; and labor force, 68; and land reform,
44,64; and landownership, 68, 108; and
military policy, 79-80, 473-78, 480-8-"
538-39,550, 575; and prebendal income,
64: and slaves, 37, 38,40,68, 192,253,
255; status, family, 39,40, 118; status,
hereditary, 35, 38,40-41, 188-90: status,
local, 40; status, social, 4, 15, 17, 188-90,
360-61; and taxation, 948; and tribute con-
tracting, 74; unemployed, 964-65, See also
Education; sadaehll; slijok
yangch 'u/ wiip, 786, 795, i\ I 6, 8 I 8
yangdan, 328
yang'in (commoners; men of good status):
described, 277-78; and manumission of
slaves, 1035; and military service, 38, 88,
192,226,392; peasant cultivators, 277; and
size of population, 225: as a social class,
34-35,630; and upward mobility, 35, 36,
yang'ip wich'lIl, 486,795,817,818
yangjon, 553
Yangju, 98 I, 1032
vOlIgmaek, 455
YOllgmin (people of good status), 35, 254, 309,
947,94 8 ,9 65
yangmin (support of the peoplc), 720
yangnong, 302-3

vangnoyon, 593
Yangtze River, 409, 90 I

INDEX 1275

mngyok, 192,470,471,542,543,548,551,
552 ,561,574,94 2 ,95 0
Yangyok sajongch'ong, 550
Yao (Sage emperor), 649
ye (Ii), 125, 126, 183,207,604,608,819,820,
Yean, 716
Ycbinsi, 622, 644, I I 13
Yeh Meng-te, 896-97, 1143, 1145
Yeh Shih, 306, 307
Yejong, King (Choson), 72, 607,687, 1093,

Yejong, King (Koryo), 903
\'emyong, 159-60
Yen Shih-ku, 838
Yen-t'ieh-shih,67 8
Yen Ying, 667
Yen-ying-yUan. See Hall for Inviting the Brave
Yenching, 983, 990
yenong, 302
Yi Changson, 85
Yi Chehyon, 146, 295-96
Yi Chong'am, 230
Yi Chongjc, 949, 950
Yi Chongp'il, 944
Yi Chongsong, 551, 561, 959, 960, 961
Yi Chongyong, 56
Yi Chunggwan, 949
Yi Chung'gyong, 773, 774
Yi Chungho, 667
Yi Chunghwan, 1085
Yi Chunyong, 366
Yi Hae, 946
Yi Haeng, 42, 280, 297-98, 1025
Yi Hang, 714
Yi Hangbok, 76,229, 442, 857
Yi Huimyong, 933
Yi Huwon, 795
Yi Hyonbo, 716
Yi Hyongsok, 529,1031,1032, 1033
Yi Ik (Songho), 8,13; on cash, 953-57, 963,
989, 994, 995, J 000; on Chao tax system,
1 I 12; on cloth, 52: on land reform, 363,
mentor of An Chongbok, 262; and military
reform, 572-74; persecuted family, 252; on
slavery, 236, 252-53; on transplanting, 10<)
Yi Ikhan, 943

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