Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

Appendix to Chapter 16

Table of Agencies Attached to the Six Ministries
-Ministry of Personnel
-Crown Prince Tutorial (Sejigangwon)
-Royal Cuisine Office (Saongwon)
-Royal Clothing Office (Sanguiwon)
-Grand Physician Hall (T'aeuiwon)
-Palace Pharmacy Hall (Naeyakkuk)
-Royal Concubine Office (Aekchongso)
-Ministry of Taxation
-Office of Cash (Sasomsi)
-Ever-Normal Granary (Sangp'yonggam)
-Surplus Storage Warehouse (P'ungjoch'ang)
-Expansive Emergent Warehouse (Kwanghungch'ang)
-Ministry of Rites
-Office of Ancestral Sacrifice (Pongsangsi)
-Office of Diplomatic Documents (Songmunwon)
-Office of Honorary Guests (Yebinsi)
-Office of Comprehensive Rituals (T'ongnyewon)
-Spring and Autumn Historians Office (Ch'unch'ugwan)
-Office of Printers (Kyosogwan)
-Office of Music (Chang'agwon)
-Office of Astronomy (Kwansanggam)
-Interpreter's Office (Sayogwon)
-Royal Ancestral Shrines (Chongmyoso)
-Altars of Land and Soil (Sajikso)
-Ice House (Pinggo)
-Office of Sacrificial Animals (Sach'ukso)
-Geographical Documents (Tohwaso)
-Saving the Destitute Agency (Hwarinso)
-Tomb Guardians (within the capital) (Cherung)

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