Confucian Statecraft and Korean Institutions. Yu Hyongwon and the Late Choson Dynasty - James B. Palais

(Darren Dugan) #1

-Ministry of War
-Five Guards (Owi)
-Capital Patrol (Kumowi)
-Inner Forbidden Guards (Naegumwi)
-Rightcous-Obedient Guards (Oisunwi)
-Royal Stables (Saboksi)
-Royal Armory (Kun'gisi)
-Crown Prince Guards (Seja Igwisa)
-Gate Guards (Kammunsa)
-Wall Guards (Songmunsa)
-Ministry of Punishments
-Slave Agency (Changycwon)
-Ministry of Works
-Directorate of Works (Sason'gonggam)
-Office of Gardcns (Changwonso)
-Bureau of Tiles (Waso)

See also the outline described in Ch'on Kwan 'u. Ktlnse Chosonsa yiin 'guo pp.
309-10, which includes in addition to the above:
-Royal agencies of the Royal Relatives (Chongch'inbu), Royal In-laws Agency
(Dibinbu), and Merit Subjects (Kongsin)
-the Teachers with Right to Speak (Sabu), left vacant when no one is qualified
-State Council (Dijongbu)
-Royal Clan Agency (Chongjongbu)
-National Academy (Songgyun'gwan)
-Office of Special Counselors (Hongmun'gwan)
-Office of Inspector-General (Sahonbu)
-Office of Royal Secretariat (Siingjongwon)
-Hall of Chinsa Degree-holders (Chinsawon)
-the temporary Military Training Agency (Hullyon-dogam)

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