The Molecule of More

(Jacob Rumans) #1

does it do, why is it there, what does it mean, how can it be
utilised” and so on.

A visitor to the website described her experience in a comment:

I’m losing my mind! There is just too much info in my head,
and I get very little sleep. I can’t stand to look at anything
else! I’m tired of being an observer! I’m tired of seeing
everything!... I want to go to the deep woods and see
nothing, read nothing, drop all technology, watch nothing,
hear nothing. I want no clutter, nothing moved, nothing
changed. I want to sleep without dreams that give me answers
to problems that put me back to work as soon as I get up! I’m
tired and don’t want to think anymore!

We see milder forms of low latent inhibition in the creative arts. Here’s
a simple example from the children’s classic, The House at Pooh Corner.
Winnie-the-Pooh, who is a poet, recites some verse to his small friend
Piglet about Tigger, a boisterous new arrival to the Hundred Acre
Wood. Piglet is a timid animal, and he points out how big Tigger is.
Pooh thinks about what Piglet said, then  adds a  final  stanza to  his  poem.

But whatever his weight in pounds,
shillings, and ounces,
He always seems bigger
Because of his bounces.

“And that’s the whole poem,” he said. “Do you like it, Piglet?”
“All except the shillings,” said Piglet. “I don’t think they
ought to be there.”
“They wanted to come in after the pounds,” explained
Pooh, “so I let them. It is the best way to write poetry, letting
things come.”
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