The Molecule of More

(Jacob Rumans) #1

brain responsible for error detection (involving anticipation, attention,
and motivation) in a way the conservatives did not. When circumstances
change, liberals do a better job of rapidly activating neural circuits and
adjusting their responses to meet the new challenge.


Intelligence has been defined in many different ways. Most
experts agree that an IQ test is not a measure of general
intelligence. It more specifically measures the ability to make
generalizations from incomplete data and to figure out new
information using abstract rules. Another way of saying it
is that an IQ test measures a person’s ability to build imagi-
nary models based on past experiences, and then use those
models to predict what will happen in the future. Control
dopamine plays a large role.
However, there are other ways to define intelligence,
such as the ability to make good day-to-day decisions. For
this type of mental activity emotions (H&N) are essential.
Antonio Damasio, a neuroscientist at the University of
Southern California and the author of Descartes’ Error: Emo-
tion, Reason, and the Human Brain, notes that most deci-
sions cannot be approached in a purely rational way. Either
we don’t have enough information or we have far more
than we can process. For example: Which college should I
attend? What’s the best way to tell her I’m sorry? Should I
be friends with this person? What color should I paint the
kitchen? Should I marry him? Is now a good time to express
my opinion, or would it be better to keep quiet?
Being in touch with our emotions and processing emo-
tional information skillfully are crucial for almost every deci-
sion we make. Intellectual prowess is not enough. Everyone
is familiar with the scientific genius or brilliant writer who is
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