The Molecule of More

(Jacob Rumans) #1

As a result, no one knows precisely what a superintelligent com-
puter might do.  An  artificial intelligence that  programs its  own  circuits 
might one day come to the conclusion that eliminating the human race
is the best way to accomplish its goal. Scientists can try to program in
safeguards, but since the program evolves outside the programmers’
control, it’s impossible to know what kinds of safeguards will be robust
enough to  survive the  process of “optimization.” One  option is  to  simply 
stop  making computers with  artificial intelligence. However, that  would 
diminish our ability to pursue more, so we can rule that out. Dopamine
will drive the science forward whether it’s good for us or not. We may
get  lucky, though. We  may  discover a  way  to  ensure that  artificial intelli-
gences act  in  ethical ways. Many experts in  the  field  believe that  should 
be a top priority for computer scientists.


Dopamine-driven technological advances make it ever easier for us to
gratify our needs and desires. Grocery store shelves are packed with
constantly changing “new and improved” products. Planes, trains, and
automobiles take us wherever we want to go, cheaper and faster than
ever before. The internet provides us with virtually unlimited entertain-
ment options, and  so  much cool stuff is  brought to  market each year 
that we need crowds of journalists to keep us up to date on new ways
to spend our money.
Dopamine drives our lives faster and faster. It takes more education
to keep up. A graduate degree is as necessary today as a college edu-
cation was a generation ago. We work longer hours. There are more
memos to read, reports to write, and emails to be answered. It never
stops. We are expected to be available at all times of the day and night.
When someone at work wants us, we must respond immediately. Adver-
tisements show a smiling man responding to texts on the beach, or a
woman by the hotel pool, checking her cell phone screen to tap into a
video feed of her empty house. What a relief. Nothing happened since

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