The Molecule of More

(Jacob Rumans) #1

for  adults have mystified some and  satisfied many. At  first  glance they 
seem silly; why do adults need coloring books? But they have the ability
to relieve stress by providing an escape from the imbalanced, dopami-
nergic world. Coloring books for adults feature beautiful, abstract geo-
metric patterns—dopaminergic abstractions combined with sensory
Children also need to work with their hands. In 2015, Time maga-
zine  published an  article titled “Why Schools Need to  Bring Back Shop 
Class.” Working with drills and rip saws, surrounded by the aroma of
fresh sawdust, is a welcome break from the intellectual rigors of aca-
demic classes. Sanding a piece of wood until it’s “as smooth as a baby’s
bottom,” as one shop teacher put it, is a joy that few people experience
these days. And the birdhouse that comes into being at the end of it
all—it’s a small miracle. Dwelling on it is an oasis of peace where the
mind can say, I made that.
Many people grew up in a home where their father had a work-
bench in  the  garage. They’re less  common today, but  fixing things is  a 
unique pleasure. Each project is a problem that needs to be solved—a
dopaminergic activity—and then the solution is made real. Sometimes
solving repair problems requires creativity because the necessary tools
or  supplies aren’t available. For  example, figuring out  that  a  nail  clip-
per  can  be  used as  a  wire cutter. Fixing things also  boosts self-efficacy 
and increases one’s sense of control: H&N delivering dopaminergic
Cooking, gardening, and playing sports are among many activities
that combine intellectual stimulation with physical activity in a way that
will satisfy us and make us whole. These activities can be pursued for
a lifetime without becoming stale. You might get a few weeks of dopa-
minergic thrills by buying an expensive Swiss timepiece, but after that
it’s just a watch. Getting promoted to district manager makes going
to  work exciting at  first, but  eventually it  becomes the  same old  grind. 
Creativity is  different because it  stirs  together H&N with dopamine. 
It’s like mixing little bit of carbon with iron to make steel. The result
is stronger and more durable. That’s what happens to dopaminergic
pleasure when you add physical H&N.

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