The Molecule of More

(Jacob Rumans) #1

internal locus of control, 214–215
inventors, 196

Jagger, Mick, 14–15
James, William, 61
Joel, Billy, 133
Johnson, Samuel, 93

Kanazawa, Satoshi, 150, 158
Kekulé, Friedrich August, 131–132
Kelly, Jim, 74
Kennedy, Patrick, 44, 190
King, Stephen, 133
Kurzweil, Ray, 204

L-dopa, 48–50
Ledbetter, Melinda, 141
Lee, Kate, 216
Leibniz, Gottfried, 138
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender
(LGBT) people, acceptance of, 173
Leshner, Alan, 37
and abstract thinking, 148–152, 160
academics, 150
celebrities, 149–150
and change, 148–149, 152, 171, 197
charitable giving, 155–157
conservative liberals, 160–161
conservative views, difficulty 
understanding, 177–178
creativity, 148–150, 161
and dopamine, 147–149
dopaminergic personalities, 154–156,
159, 161, 165–166
genetics, 154–155
goals of, 177–178
government, views on, 174–175
happiness, 159, 161
immigration, views on, 170–171
influencing to become more 
conservative, 167–169
intelligence, 150–152

loss aversion, 165–167
personality traits, 145–146, 148–149,
157, 161
political views, 160, 166, 177
politicians, 175–176
progressivism, 147–148
religiosity, 160
sex and marriage trends, 158–160
and threat, 167
loss aversion, 164–167
anticipation and role of dopamine, 7,
9, 16–17, 20, 23
companionate (second stage of love),
16–18, 21, 23–24, 136, 149, 158
fading of, 4–9
passionate (first stage of love), 16–18, 
21–23, 149
Lovelace, Ada, 190
low latent inhibition, 116–119, 141
Low Latent Inhibition Resource and
Discovery Centre, 117–118
low reactivity to novel stressors, 186
low-level thinking, 172

Mackey, George, 112
MacNeil, Robert, 162
Magnificent Desolation (Aldrin), 79
marijuana, 16, 40, 44, 46–47, 65
celebrities, 149
and children, 206–207
delaying sex until, 22, 160
divorce, 149, 159–160, 175–176
infidelity, 97, 136, 158–159, 161, 174
and political views, 149, 158–160,
same-sex, 173
and testosterone levels, 18
Massey, Suena, 105
math and music, 135
McCartney, Paul, 133
McGonigal, Kelly, 217
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