The Molecule of More

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Chapter 2


You want it... but will you like it?

In which dopamine overwhelms reason to create consuming
desire for the most destructive behaviors imaginable.

A guy walks past a restaurant, smells burgers cooking. He imagines taking
a bite; he can almost taste it. He’s on a diet, but at this point he can’t
think of anything he wants more than that hamburger, so he goes in and
orders one. Sure enough, the first bite is wonderful, but the second bite, not
so much. With each bite, his enjoyment is less and less—so much for the
hoped-for “hamburger heaven.” He finishes anyway, not really knowing
why, then feels a little nauseated and very much defeated because he didn’t
stick to his diet.
As he heads back into the street, the thought crosses his mind: there’s a
big difference between wanting something and liking it.

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