The Babylonian World (Routledge Worlds)

(lu) #1

IV 221 ). It occurs in Babylonian records since the eighth century BC, long before the time of
the Babylonian Captivity. By the sixth century, several different family branches are attested
in Babylon and Uruk alone, and more than 200 individuals are known who claim to be
descendents of Egibi(see Tallqvist 1905 :s.v.).
2 R. Bogaert’s exhaustive 1966 study on early ‘banking’ shows that the essential characteristic
of taking money as a deposit and lending it out at a higher rate cannot be found.
3 See in detail Wunsch 1997 – 98 and 1999.


Bogaert, R. 1966 L’origine antique de la banque de dépôt. Leiden.
Kohler, J. and F.E. Peiser. 1890–98 Aus dem Babylonischen RechtslebenI–IV. Leipzig.
Lambert, W.G. 1957 ‘Ancestors, Authors, and Canonicity’, Journal of Cuneiform Studies11: 1–14,
Roth, M.T. 1991 ‘The Women of the Itti-Marduk-bala ̄t.u Family’, Journal of the American Oriental
Society 11 : 19 – 37.
Tallqvist, K.N. 1905 Neubabylonisches Namenbuch zu den Geschäftsurkunden aus der Zeit Sˇamasˇ-s ˇumukîn
bis Xerxes(Acta societatis scientiarum fennicae 32/2), Helsingfors.
van Driel, G. 1985 – 86 ‘The Rise of the House of Egibi. Nabû-ah


e ̄-iddina’, Jaarbericht van het
Vooraziatasch-Egytisch Gennootschap ‘Ex Oriente Lux’ 29 : 50 – 67.
Wunsch, C. 1993 Die Urkunden des babylonischen Geschäftsmannes Iddin-Marduk. Zum Handel mit
Naturalien im 6. Jahrhundert v.Chr. (= Cuneiform Monographs 3 a und b), Groningen.
–––– 1995 – 96 ‘Die Frauen der Familie Egibi’, Archiv für Orientforschung 42 / 43 : 33 – 63.
––––1997–98 ‘Und die Rechter berieten... Streitfälle in Babylon aus der Zeit Neriglissars und
Nabonids’, Archiv für Orientforschung44–45: 59–100.
–––– 1999 ‘The Egibi Family’s Real Estate in Babylon ( 6 th Century BC)’, in M. Hudson and
B. Levine (eds) Land Tenure and Urbanization in the Ancient Near East, Cambridge, MA,
pp. 391–413.

— The Egibi family —
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