- Appearance, Life and Leisure -
8 Wild 1970: Chapter 5, pp .. 41-58.
9 Compare the curious note in Pliny, Naturalis Historia XXXVI.131 and the comment in
Bailey 1932: 117 and notes pp. 251-2.
10 Broholm and Hald 1935.
I I Wild 1970: 4-10; Olschki 1949.
12 Wild 1970: 20.
13 Hall 1986 : 9.
14 For silk see Wightman 1985: 9 n. 12,336; Wild 1970: 10-13, 17-19 (cotton), 15-17 (hemp),
21 (mallow and nettles). It is interesting to note Andersen's story 'The Wild Swans', where
eleven princes, transformed into swans, were released from the spell when their sister
Elissa wove them shirts made of fibres from nettles gathered from a churchyard at night.
15 Lawson 1976 : 272 , fig. 14 nos. 105, 106; RCHM 1962: 143-4, pI. 69, nos. H314·1, H314.2;
Pirling 1986: 59-60, Abb. 34 from Grave 3918 at Krefeld dated late second century AD.
16 Cunliffe 1984: 395, fig. 7.39 nos. 3.211-3.213, for bone whorls; 401, fig. 7.46 nos.
7.31-7.5°, for baked clay and one sherd whorl; Fell 1936: 69-70, fig. 5 no. 2.
17 Collingwood and Wright 1965: 356, pI. 15 no. 1065; Phillips 1977: 90-1, pI. 68 no. 247.
18 Fell 1936: 69, pI. 8 no. I, 12 no. 7; Cunliffe 1984; 371-8, figs 7.27-7.30, nos. 3.1-3.29;
Fogolari et al. 1976: 131, fig. 28 nos. 223-8, showing examples in course of manufacture,
complete, and with damaged teeth.
19 Fell 1936: 91, pI. lIa no. I. Twelve examples were reported with only one illustrated;
Cunliffe 1984: 401,403, 406, figs 7.47, 7.48 nos. 7.51-7.67; Wheeler and Wheeler 1936:
150, pI. 52 no. 5·
20 Ryder 1990a: 38.
21 ibid: 38-9.
22 Tacitus, Annales XIV.30.
23 Abrahams 1908: 101; Pollux, Onomasticon VII.56.
24 Pliny VIII.73.191; Ryder 1991 : 59.
25 Ryder 1990b: 316.
26 Wild 1970: 81.
27 Dio Cassius, Epitome LXXII.2; the adjective describing her hair colour is ~aUeO't(l't11U,
from ~aueoo, which covers all shades of yellow from the palest to a red or auburn
(Liddell and Scott 1964: 470).
28 Diodorus Siculus V.30.1; quoted in Stead 1981: 17.
29 Strabo, Geographia IV. 5.
30 Martial, Epigrammates XIv.129 'Canusinae Rufae': 'Roma magis fusci vestitur, Gallia
rufis, et placet hic pueris militibusque color.'
31 Roueche 1989: 284, chapter XIX line 48.
32 Wild 1988: 8, fig. I.
33 Ryder 199 0a: 39·
34 Stead 1979: Danes Graves no. 43 excavated 1897, p.20, fig. 5, p. 68 skeleton A oriented
south-west to north-east, had an iron and bronze brooch.
35 Garbsch 1965: fig. I nos. 8, 10, 13; figs 6, 7; fig. 12 nos. 2,4; fig. 13 nos. 5, 10, 17; fig. 14
nos. 10, II, 13, 17,22; fig. 15 nos. 32, 23; fig. 16 nos. 1,2 all show the characteristic use
of local brooch types to fasten the overdress at the shoulder.
36 Livy, Ab Urbe Condita VII.9.6; also Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights IX.13.18-19.
37 Brailsford 1975: 44-5 2 , pI. 59, 60, 64, 67, 70, 75, colour pI. IV.
38 Brailsford 1975: 55-61, pI. 77, 81-6, colour pI. V-VII; Stead 1991 : 447-64.
39 Stead 198 1: 39, pI. 37 no. 307·
40 Joffroy 1962: chapter 6, see pp. 105, 106 with pI. pp. 102, 104, 107; for plan of finds from
the burial see p. 40. Note also the statuette, British Museum, Department of Greek and