- Chapter Seven -
Roman Antiquities nos. 67.5-8.748, Stead 1981: 20, pl. 12 no. 113, showing a seated
Gaulish woman wearing a torque and bracelets.
41 Jope 1971 : pl. 21; Megaw 1970: 95-6 no. 127 with pl.
42 Megaw 1970: 96-7, no. 128 and pl.
43 Ibid.: 105-6, no. 151 and pl.
44 Tacitus, Historiae Iv.61, 65.
45 Diodorus Siculus v.27.1; Trogus Pompeius in Justin III.3.36. Note the treasures found in
sacred lakes at Tolosa in 106 Be, after the defeat of the Tectosages by the Roman army
under the consul Q. Servilius Caepio: see Scullard 196 5: 54.
46 Joffroy 1962: 100-1, plan of tomb on p. 40 where item no. 18 are the beads in the region
of the neck and upper part of the body.
47 Stead 1979: 78-81, fig. 31; compare also the necklaces from burials in the Department of
Marne, France: Stead 1981: 37, nos. 282, 283, pl. 35.
48 Megaw 1970: 59 no. 38, one bead from the seventh-century Be barrow at Strettweg,
Judenburg, Austria; 96 no. 128 fourth century Be, two beads from Grave NZ, Filottrano,
S. Paolina, Ancona, Italy; 112 no. 170 third century Be from Mal Tepe, Mezek, Bulgaria;
and 130-1 no. 208 first century Be from Szarad, Regoly, Hungary, hoard I.
49 Stead 1967: 17, section iv, fragments A-C: fig. 10 and frontispiece pl. lb. Note also the
discussion of the pre-Roman beads in Guido 1978: 19-89.
50 Strabo, IV.5.2 and IV.4.6.
51 Aspes et al. 1976: 133 no. I, fig. 2 no. 7, damaged and incomplete, from S. Michele, near
Caprino Veronese in 1973.
52 Aspes et al. 1976: 187 nos. 24, 25; fig. 47 nos. 9, 10 for the region of Verona; for the
damaged piece from S. Briccio di Lavagno see p. 193 no. 6; fig. 50 no. 8.
53 Aspes et al. 1976: 190 no. 2; fig. 50 no. 2.
54 Marien 1971 : 213- 2 7; 1973: 71 - 8.
55 Garrard and Sellwood 1983: 333-4, fig. 143, pl. XXXVII.
56 Tacitus, Historiae IV.6I.I.
57 Diodorus Siculus v.28.1.
58 Toynbee 1978: 102, pl. 173; Sydenham 1952: 159, pl. 26 no. 952; Caesar, De Bello Gallico VII.
59 Rees and Rees 1961: 280, 328 respectively.
60 Morris 1964 [1979]: 215, with references to the writing of Murasaki Shikibu (AD
975-^102 5).
61 Cool 1990; Crummy 1979, 1983: 19-30.
62 Jankuhn 1958: 254, fig. 6; Tacitus, Germania 28.
63 RCHM 1962: 79b; Region IV, Area (b), burial (vi), p. 81b reported August 1840; Area (d),
burial (i), p. 83a found in May 1875.
64 MacGregor 1985: 183, fig. 99.
65 MacGregor 1976: 1,143; II no. 274 from Ghegan Rock, Seacliff, East Lothian found before
1865-70; no. 275 from Langbank, Renfrewshire, found 1903; MacGregor 1985: 73-98.
66 Bede, Historia Ecclesiastica Gentis AngloTum II.II. Boniface V of Naples, pope from 23
December 619 to 25 October 625.
67 Now in the Museum fur Vor-und Friihgeschichte, Saarbrucken, diam. disc 18.9 cm,
Keller 1958: 158; 1965: 41 no. 15 fig. 28.1 plan of grave fig. 4 on p. 16; 1966: 156.
68 Megaw 1970: 64 no. 49 and pl., dated late fifth/early fourth century Be.
69 Congdon 1981: 'see fig. 3, discussion pp. 7-12; dating on pp. 96-106.
70 Behrens 1933; Nahrgang 1934: 40 no. T.3, fig. 13, diam. mirror 12.5 cm.
71 Lloyd-Morgan 1981, Appendix I pp. 111-16, pl. 3oa, b, fig. 10.
72 Desborough, Northants, mirror now in the British Museum, Department of Prehistoric
and Romano-British Antiquities no. 1924.1-9, Smith 1909; Birdlip, Glos., now in the City