The Celtic World (Routledge Worlds)

(Barry) #1



Martin Bell is a Senior Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Wales,
Lampeter. He is currently directing the Experimental Earthwork Project, and a
programme of intertidal wetland archaeology in the Severn Estuary. He is author
(with Dr M.J.C. Walker) of Late Quaternary Environmental Change (1992) and
editor (with Dr J. Boardman) of Past and Present Soil Erosion (1992).

Daphne Nash Briggs was an Assistant Keeper in the Heberden Coin Room,
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and part-time University Lecturer in Roman, then
Greek numismatics at Oxford University, from 1976[-]85. Her publications include
(as Daphne Nash) Coinage in the Celtic World (1987).

Olivier Biichsenschiitz is Director of the Centre National de la Recherche Scienti-
fique, Archeologies d'Orient et d'Occident, in Paris, and is Associate Professor
at the University of Paris. He has published Structures d'habitats et fortifications de
/'age du Fer en France Septentrionale (1984); Architectures des ages des metaux
(1988); he is co-author (with Fran<;oise Audouze) of Towns, villages and country-
side of Celtic Europe (1989), and has published reports on his excavations at

Barry C. Burnham IS a Senior Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Wales,
Lampeter. His publications include a joint-authored volume on The 'Small Towns'
of Roman Britain (1990), and an edited work on Conquest, Co-existence and
Change: Recent Work in Roman Wales (1991).

Sara Champion is Visiting Senior Lecturer in the Department of Archaeology at the
University of Southampton. Her publications include A Dictionary of Terms and
Techniques in Archaeology (1980) and numerous articles on coral, enamel, craft
production and its re1~tionship to social organization in iron age Europe.

Timothy Champion is Reader in Archaeology and Head of the Department of
Archaeology at the University of Southampton. His publications include Prehistoric
Europe (1984) and Centre and Periphery (1989).

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