The Celtic World (Routledge Worlds)

(Barry) #1

  • Chapter Twelve

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5 Grave^1 7

Figure 12.6 Manufactured goods from Grave 1 in the Steinbichl cemetery at Manching,
Bavaria, Germany. 1,2 -blue glass bracelets; 3 -bronze fibula; 4 -bronze bracelet; 5 -ceramic
vessel; 6 - 201 glass and two amber beads; 7 -bronze chain belt. (From Kramer 1985: pI. I;
reproduced with permission from Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart.)

objects were found on a field, containing a total of at least sixty-one torques, as well
as numerous coins, some bracelets and pieces of gold and tin (Raftery 1991: 565-6).
Silver rings are less common than gold. Bronze rings, especially neck-rings, are often
ornamented with enamel inlay. Glass rings came into fashion around the middle of

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