- Chapter Thirty-One -
17 Rolf Hachmann, Georg Kossack and Hans Kuhn, Volker zwischen Germanen und Kelten
(Neumiinster: Wachholtz, 1962); Wells, German Policy of Augustus, 23.
18 Caesar, Gallic War 1. 1.
19 Caesar, Gallic War 11.4; d. Tacitus, Germania 11.5, qui primi Rhenum transgressi Gallos
expulerint ac nunc Tungri, tunc Germani vocati sunt.
20 Germani cisrhenani (Caesar, Gallic War 11.3, 11.4, VL32).
21 Kuhn in Hachmann, Kossack and Kuhn, Volker zwischen, 105-28.
22 Caesar, Gallic War IV. 10, rejected by T. Rice Holmes (ed.) C. Iulii Caesaris de bello Gallico
I-VII (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1914, reprinted New York: Arno, 1979), 25-7;
useful summary of arguments in Georg Hornig, C. Iulius Caesar, Commentarii Belli
Gallici, Erlauterungen zu Buch [-[V, B: Lehrerkommentar (Frankfurt a.M., Berlin, Bonn:
Moritz Diesterweg, 1965), 125-6; Batavi ... Chattorum quondam populus, Tacitus,
Germania XXXIX. I; Lucan, Pharsalia 1.43 I, includes Batavi among Caesar's auxiliaries, but
this was written over a century later and may be an anachronism.
23 The fact that the passage preserves the spelling Vacalus may suggest that, if it is an inter-
polation, it is an early one; Vahalis in Tacitus, Annals II.6. See Kuhn in Hachmann,
Kossack, and Kuhn, Volker zwischen, 121-2. The change from c to ch or h is part of the
'erste germanische Lautverschiebung', and words or names in which this sound-shift has
not occurred 'sind nicht germanisch im strengen Sinn' (ibid., 116). Where it is found in
toponyms west of the Rhine, as in Vahalis, does this betoken immigrants, or changes in
local dialect? Cf. Wells German Policy of Augustus, 3 I 3-14.
24 Hachmann, Kossack and Kuhn, Volker zwischen, 134.
25 Tacitus, Annals 1.55-6, 11.7, II.25, etc.
26 Gerhard Mildenberger, 'Das Ende der Altenburg bei Niedenstein', Fundberichte aus
Hessen, I (1969) (Marburger Beitrage zur Archaologie der Kelten: Festschrift fiir
Wolfgang Dehn zum 60. Geburtstag am 6. Juli 1969) (Bonn: Habelt, 1969), 122-34; also
id., Germanische Burgen (Veroffentlichungen der Altertumskommission im Provinzial-
institut fiir Westfalische Landes-und Volksforschung, Landschaftsverband Westfalen-
Lippe 6) (Miinster: Aschendorff, 1978), 56; see Wells, German Policy of Augustus, 21,
312 - 1 3.
27 On the sound-shift that produced it, see Kuhn in Hachmann, Kossack and Kuhn, Volker
zwischen 116.
28 Caesar, Gallic War VLIO.
29 Caesar, Gallic War IV.I-19; Ubii as farmers, Pliny, Natural History XVIL47.
30 Gallicis moribus assuefacti (Caesar, Gallic War IV.3); the different behaviour of the Ubii
and the Suebi stressed by R. von Uslar, Studien zu fruhgeschichtlichen Befestigungen zwis-
chen Nordsee und Alpen (Bonner Jahrbucher, Beiheft I I) (Cologne and Graz: Bohlau,
1964), 10, n. 42.
3 I Ubii in Appian, Civil Wars V.386; Dio, XLVIIL49.
J2 Chief sources for Drusus's campaigns, Dio LIv.32-3, LIV.36, Lv.6; Florus 11.30.21-8; Livy,
epitome CXXXVII-CXL; Orosius VL21.15. On resettlement, Suetonius, Augustus XX!. I;
Tiberius IX.2. On the altar at Cologne, Tacitus, Annals 1.39, 1.57.
33 U. Kahrstedt in E. Birley (ed.) Congress of Roman Frontier Studies 1949 (Durham:
University of Durham, 1952),44: 'The material civilization of the Ubii and the Sugambri,
prior to their transplantation, in no way differed from that of the Treveri and other Celtic
peoples, except that they were a little poorer.'
34 A. Alfoldi, 'The moral barrier on Rhine and Danube', in Birley, Roman Frontier Studies,
35 Wells, German Policy of Augustus, 24-5, with further references.
36 Wells, German Policy of Augustus, 156-61.